Domoticz as ‘translator’ for meteo data towards GoogleHome

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Domoticz as ‘translator’ for meteo data towards GoogleHome

Post by Toulon7559 »

Not for myself …..

GoogleHome has very few interfaces for reading of data from meteo systems:
in fact in Europe presently only Netatmo and Buienradar seem to exist as service-interface.
In this forum not more than some experimental effort to control GoogleHome for other purposes than meteo, unless I missed during search.

1. Do interface functions still exist/live from Domoticz to GoogleHome?
2. Any known interface to get meteodata out of Domoticz to GoogleHome, as ‘own’ data source besides Netatmo/Buienradar?

Obviously, positive answers very nice, but negative response with argumentation is equally useful (for elimination).
Last edited by Toulon7559 on Sunday 21 July 2024 21:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Domoticz as ‘translator’ for meteo data towards GoogleHome

Post by FireWizard »

Hi @Toulon7559,,

What do you want to achieve with data from a meteo system.

In general Meteo Systems will provide:
- temperature
- humidity
- (air) pressure
- (rain) level

And in addition calculations based on these values, such as rainrate (mm/hr)

Google (smart)home has devices, such as Humidity Setting, Temperature, Sensors.

These can be controlled by Node-RED and Google Smarthome.
See: ... -smarthome

But I'm not sure, that this what you mean.

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Re: Domoticz as ‘translator’ for meteo data towards GoogleHome

Post by Toulon7559 »

The question I pass in translation, basically is very simple:
- User has GoogleHome
- User wants to control screens etc. based on local meteo-info
- DIY scripting etc. probably is asking too much ……

Therefore User essentially is asking:
which weatherstation (other than Netatmo) to connect to GoogleHome and how?

If direct connection not possible, alternatively thinking about Domoticz as ‘middleman’, because Domoticz has plenty of interfaces.
Last edited by Toulon7559 on Monday 22 July 2024 14:29, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Domoticz as ‘translator’ for meteo data towards GoogleHome

Post by waltervl »

You either use Google Home or Domoticz to control your home. Using both seems overkill (says a Domoticz only user).
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Re: Domoticz as ‘translator’ for meteo data towards GoogleHome

Post by Toulon7559 »

😉 I agree (also as Domoticz-only User),
but it implies that pragmatic advice to the 'asking' GoogleHome User is to accept as input for meteo data towards GoogleHome
either the mediocre performance of the Netatmo meteo devices'setup, or the service of Buienradar etc. .

Or radically rebuild with Domoticz.
Last edited by Toulon7559 on Monday 22 July 2024 14:31, edited 2 times in total.
Set1 = RPI-Zero+RFXCom433+S0PCM+Shield for BMP180/DS18B20/RS485+DDS238-1ZNs
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Re: Domoticz as ‘translator’ for meteo data towards GoogleHome

Post by solarboy »

I use Google Home (via Homebridge MPPT) for voice control of Domoticz and also to access certain devices outside my local network as my ISP doesn't allow inbound connections. Google Home is more of a Dashticz type interface and allows me to see and control any device I nominate.

It suits my use case.
Intel NUC with Ubuntu Server VM (Proxmox),mosquitto(docker),RFXtrx433E,zwavejsUI (docker),Zigbee2mqtt(docker),SMA Hub (docker),Harmony Hub plugin, Kodi plugin,Homebridge(docker)+Google Home,APC UPS,SMA Modbus,Mitsubishi MQTT, Broadlink,Dombus
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Re: Domoticz as ‘translator’ for meteo data towards GoogleHome

Post by FireWizard »

Hi @Toulon7559,

I do not understand, why (how) that user want to use Google Home, if he/she wants to control devices (screens etc) based on local meteo information.

Google Home is an app, installed on your phone (or tablet). It's function is to configure your Google Home Mini speakers or your Google Nest Hub.
The functionality of this app is somewhat limited, compared to the speech functionality. Not everything you can do by voice, you can do in the app.

Of course you can control devices with the app, but that is based on a personal decision. (You look out of your window, see that it starts raining and you push a button in the app or use your specific voice command in order to close a window or something)

But is that what you want? If so, you can push also a button in Domoticz.
I think that you want the following:
If the meteo data, you receive, tells you that rain will start at a specific time, the window or something else should close at that time.
In this case you can use any weather station that is able to communicate, directly or indirectly, e.g. by node-RED, with Domoticz is suitable.

As @waltervl said: It's is one of the other.

Contrary to Walter, I use both. it just depends on the situation, when I use an automation in Domoticz or a voice command.

It is the same with sensors. Sometimes I look in the Domoticz dashboard, sometimes I request the data by voice.

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Re: Domoticz as ‘translator’ for meteo data towards GoogleHome

Post by Toulon7559 »

The 'Why' seems obvious:
she does not want to apply data from a large organisation like KNMI, but assumes that locally measured data is more dedicated to control screens etc.
The ‘How' is another story, because to be feared that DIY-making of interfaces is beyond available skills:
therefore a solution must be very User-friendly.
Linking of Domoticz and GoogleHome will be too difficult, unless an easy & ready-made setup can be offered for cloning.
Last edited by Toulon7559 on Monday 22 July 2024 15:08, edited 1 time in total.
Set1 = RPI-Zero+RFXCom433+S0PCM+Shield for BMP180/DS18B20/RS485+DDS238-1ZNs
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