Open Window and charging status notifications

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Open Window and charging status notifications

Post by akamming »


just wanted to share:

This dzventz script checks car status and notifies for
- If you lock the car with any open window
- When charging is started, stopped or has a charging fault.

it was created for my Volvo, for which the device sensors were made available by the Volvo Recharge Plugin ( ... rge_Plugin), but this dzVentz script is generic and could be adapted for any car for which you have similar car sensors

Code: Select all

return {
	on = {
		devices = {
			'Volvo',  -- Lock Device of the volvo,
			'Volvo-ChargingSystemStatus', -- device which contains the charging state
			-- 'test'  -- for testing purposes
	logging = {
		level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG, -- adjust to the whatever loglevel you like
		marker = 'volvo', -- adjust to whatever marker you want
	execute = function(domoticz, device)
		domoticz.log('Device ' .. .. ' was changed to ' ..device.nValue..','..device.sValue, domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
		-- code to handle the changing of the lock status
		if ('Volvo')  then -- Lock device of the Volvo, make sure this is the same name on which the script triggers
    		-- check if device was locked
    		if ( then
    		    domoticz.log('Device was locked',domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
    		    -- Which devices do you want to check?
        		windowsToBeChecked = { -- make sures these names match the names in domoticz  
        	    -- checking the devices
    		    for key,window in pairs(windowsToBeChecked) do
        		    -- check if window is open
    		        domoticz.log("Checking window "..window,domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
        		    local WINDOW=domoticz.devices(window) 
        		    if ( then
        		        domoticz.log(window.." is open, sending notification",domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
        		        notificationMessage = "Auto afgesloten met open raam: "..window 
        		        domoticz.log("Notification sent: "..notificationMessage,domoticz.LOG_FORCE)
        		        domoticz.log(window.." is closed, no need to notify",domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
    		    domoticz.log('Device was unlocked, no need to do anything',domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
        elseif ('Volvo-ChargingSystemStatus') then  -- Lock device of the Volvo, make sure this is the same name on which the script triggers
            domoticz.log("Charging system Status changed, check if we have to notify",domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
            if (device.sValue=='Charging') then
                domoticz.log("Charging started, notifying",domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
                domoticz.notify("Volvo","Laden is gestart",domoticz.PRIORITY_MODERATE)
            elseif(device.sValue=='Done') then
                domoticz.log("Charging stopped, notifying",domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
                domoticz.notify("Volvo","Laden is gereed",domoticz.PRIORITY_MODERATE)
            elseif(device.sValue=='Fault') then
                domoticz.log("Charging Èrror, notifying",domoticz.LOG_FORCE)
                domoticz.notify("Volvo","Laden is gestopt, laadfout!",domoticz.PRIORITY_HIGH)
                domoticz.log("charging status can be ignored: "..device.sValue,domoticz.LOG_DEBUG)
    	    domoticz.log('Unknown device: ',domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
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