Somfy errors in Domoticz log

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Somfy errors in Domoticz log

Post by Rik60 »

I am running the Somfy plugin for Domoticz (Somfy Tahoma or Connexoon plugin), version 4.20.22. It is running ok, only if one or more Somfy devices is (are) moving i see this error in the Domoticz logging (there are 3 devices moving). If the devices stop moving than the error messaging stops. I don't know where it's coming from, could it be a declaration in the file? It is not a big issue but i like to know where it's comming from.
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Re: Somfy errors in Domoticz log

Post by madpatrick »

Try to go back to version 4.2.16 from the master branch.
I've seen also some errors with the beta version
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Re: Somfy errors in Domoticz log

Post by Rik60 »

Master version 4.2.16 isn't working right for me. I had to split out the state for an awning. That is the main different between the master and beta version. I don't know how to fix this error, may be someone with more programming skills has a solution...For now i stay at the beta version
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