New version Z4D Zigbee plugin - CPU usage

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New version Z4D Zigbee plugin - CPU usage

Post by WouterO »

Hi pipiche,
You know I like your plugin very much. In the newest .12 version you claim a more efficient cpu% usage. I have experienced just the opposite after updating from .11.
IMG_6257.jpeg (56.02 KiB) Viewed 1323 times
It’s no big deal, but I get a significant higher (1.5 times) minimum cpu usage since I installed the newest version. Even after a Domoticz restart and system reboot I got the same increased minimal cpu usage. Again, no big deal, but it’s in contrast with your claim in the Release Notes.
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Re: New version Z4D Zigbee plugin - CPU usage

Post by pipiche »

This looks strange.

Are you using ZIgate as the coordinator ?

I'm also quiet surprise on the very low % before ? What type of HW are you using ?
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Re: New version Z4D Zigbee plugin - CPU usage

Post by WouterO »

Hi pipiche, thank your reacting. I use a Raspberry Pi 4 with the Motherboard sensor plugin to monitor the cpu% . I agree with you that the % is quite low. In my opinion, they should be multiplied by 4 for each cpu-core of the RPi. Also, the minimum % is plotted, not the mean %, but the trend is identical. That doesn’t change my observation. Mind you, it’s no criticism, I just want to share my measurement results. Moreover, because you claim a better efficiency.
I use the sonoff plus dongle with the Silicon Labs chip.
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Re: New version Z4D Zigbee plugin - CPU usage

Post by waltervl »

I must say I also see a small increase in average CPU usage (from approx 3.5 to 4.3 %) after updating the plugin from .11 to .12 running on X86 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Nothing to worry abouth though, as always still working great!
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: New version Z4D Zigbee plugin - CPU usage

Post by WouterO »

Ah, thanks for repeating my result, now n=2 🙂
And I sure agree with your last line:
‘Nothing to worry about though, as always still working great!‘
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