Zigbee2MQTT / Conbee 2 maximum amount of devices

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Zigbee2MQTT / Conbee 2 maximum amount of devices

Post by Patricen »

Not sure to be on the right topic, since I migrated from Deconz to Zigbee2mqtt (docker container + Mosquitto), compatibility list has been larger than what I had before with Deconz and I did add some new devices and finally got stuck after 45 devices. It is now not possible anymore to add devices.

Is this a known limitation of Conbee2, if this is the case, is there another zigbee adapter that would have better performance?

All the routers I do have are linked to the mesh, but also directly to the coordinator, is there a way to remove the link with the coordinator to release direct links?

How many devices / routers do you have within your network?

Best regards,


below is my devices config summary:

Total 45
By device type
End devices: 23
Router: 22
By power source
Battery: 23
Mains (single phase): 21
DC Source: 1
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT / Conbee 2 maximum amount of devices

Post by waltervl »

Conbee 2 should be able to connect max 500 devices but only direct is limited to approx 15-30. So the rest needs to ne paired through routers. https://forum.phoscon.de/t/conbee-ii-de ... -of-15/413
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT / Conbee 2 maximum amount of devices

Post by Thorgal789 »

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End devices: 23
Router: 22
Not normal, you are stuck at 45 device with this settings, you haven't forget a setting somewhere ?
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT / Conbee 2 maximum amount of devices

Post by Patricen »

I'm really surprised about that. All routers are linked together, but also linked to Conbee2 (I'm using Zigbee2MQTT), and I can't find any solution to avoid routers to be directly connected to coordinator.

Edit: I could add end device but no more router that are by default connected to coordinator.
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Re: Zigbee2MQTT / Conbee 2 maximum amount of devices

Post by Thorgal789 »

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and I can't find any solution to avoid routers to be directly connected to coordinator.
Not a problem, it's automatic, the end device will use a router, or the coordinator can free one, the zigbee mesh is dynamic.
There is a setting in Z2M to force only 1 device to be in pairing mode instead of the whole network, you haven't touched this one ?
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