habahabahaba wrote: ↑Friday 26 April 2024 13:37
Just tested it.
Its in alphabetic order.
Thanks for testing, but on my side (+v2024.4/Stable) this is not the case:

- custom.jpg (9.37 KiB) Viewed 1437 times
EDIT: You're observation anyway rings a bell.
First 4 menu items links to some auto-gen'ed pages (from python services of my own that starts after Domoticz as they need it's HTTP/JSON API being up & check for this/delay startup: This may make a difference, but, in my case should IMO not be the case, see hereafter).
Last 3 are html files that never change + Zigbee4Domoticz, so a python plugin Domoticz is aware off.
What's a bit strange to me is all my auto-generated pages are in a templates/myCustomPages directory and under templates there is a fixed html indirection/loading file that does a dated-loading of auto-gen'ed ones to lure domoticz cache management (global: No care for in-page cache management directives & not even allow manual page refresh even with an in-page button).
For instance templates/LastCapturesT.html -> templates/myCustomPages/LastCaptures.html
more LastCapturesT.html
Code: Select all
<div id="dynPage"><div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadUniquePage(){
So I may understand custom html's present at domoticz start (or aware off, like plugins that declare a custom page) may allow alphabetical order but maybe not for what's added after... But in my setup there is the link/dated-loading-trick file always there??!!!