Davis Vantage Rainmeter and ESP32 - Solved ghost interrupt

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Davis Vantage Rainmeter and ESP32 - Solved ghost interrupt

Post by benp »

This is an update of my Davis+FGBS222 zwave configuration on the french forum:
I have no question because my project is supposed to be fully functional according to my test "water in the boottle" but only true rain will tell me...
Comments are welcome!

I thought I had a problem with zwave so I did the migration from zwave to ESP32 but in fact the rainmeter was dirty. I just clean it...

Anyway: I was not very happy with the zwave solution because data received in domoticz were not very clean so I had to clean it inside domoticz: data from the reed switch are sometime received in the bad order so I had to filter, FGBS is sometime on a bad state on switch on... I had to filter all that in the dz vents script...

Before the Davis rainmeter, I tried other solutions:
  • 433 MHz Oregon PCR800: not so bad but last only one or 2 years and not anymore manufactured
  • Zwave Popp Z-Rain: not reliable for 80€ : values are sometime eratic. https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=36292
  • 433 Mhz TFA 30.3233.01 +RFXcom : not really better but only 27€
Warning: always use a manual rainmeter to know if your values are valid or not!

  • Davis 6464M rainmeter: 149€
  • RJ11 Breakout BOB-14021 at sparkfun $2.10
  • RJ11 6-Pin Connector PRT-00132 at sparkfun $1.50
  • ESP32 DFR0478 at DFRobot (any other ESP32 should work): $8.90
  • Micro USB power supply
Why such an expensive rainmeter: because this is the only reliable rainmeter according to the members of infoclimat forum.
The rainmeter is a part of the vantage pro 2 weather station at more than 1000€ not including ethernet gateways annual service charge...

Connect 4 & 5 from RJ11 to GND and IO25/D2 of ESP32: wire can be reversed because connected to the reed switch inside the rainmeter
2024-04-19_15-36-08.jpg (61.32 KiB) Viewed 1287 times
Note: ESP32 and RJ11 are inside house and rainmeter outside
_MG_4906bd.jpg (85.32 KiB) Viewed 1287 times
IMG_20230613_193521r.jpg (18.25 KiB) Viewed 1287 times
RJ11 connection between rainmeter and ESP32

To do in domoticz:
Add a rainmeter and an alert as virtual devices. Look at the idx: rainmeter is 100 and alert 101 in my arduino program

Install arduino and the firebeetle board according to the dfrobot tutorials:

The arduino program:
Before you use and try to understand this program, things you must know:
  • The rainmeter is not easy to de-bounce because the reed switch is only closed from 119ms to 141 ms
  • Interrupt are used because http connection can last more than 150ms
  • ESP32 is a 2 core microcontroller with multitask capabilities. Conflict are possible when you try to read/write the same variable in interrupt/main process. portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(&mux); must be used
  • You must change ssid + password + IP address + port + idx in my program
  • The program autoreconnect on disconnect
  • The alarm log reconnect and http error (once reliable communication is back)
  • There is too much alert because the program is in test waiting for the next rain this night according to the forecast...
  • Nothing to do in domoticz because eveything is done with Domoticz API/JSON URL
The code is 225 lines against 45 lines for the zwave version...

[Update 23/04/2024] the new code with no ghost interrupt is in the Arduino forum:
https://forum.arduino.cc/t/stange-ghost ... /1250942/3
Last edited by benp on Tuesday 23 April 2024 12:45, edited 1 time in total.
Domoticz V2024.7
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Re: Davis Vantage Rainmeter and ESP32

Post by benp »

Bad new: the ESP32 detect false rainmeter bucket
tfaR.png (6.4 KiB) Viewed 1265 times
The ESP32
davis3R.png (4.13 KiB) Viewed 1265 times
Maybe the pullup resistor is too high: around 50kohms according to ESP32 users. The wire to the rainmeter is 15 meters long.
I tried to add a 1000 ohms resistor as pullup.
IMG_20240420_111112bd.jpg (67.99 KiB) Viewed 1265 times
But no luck: I had 3 false bucket during this post writing (10 minutes).
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Re: Davis Vantage Rainmeter and ESP32

Post by mgugu »

This may be an electromagnetic interference problem (15 meters is a lot), several checks possible:
- Shorter wire
- Shielded wire
- Use 2 pull up inside and outside
- Small capacitor at the reception (47 pf)
- Optocouplers
- ...
But definitely it is not a Domoticz problem but an electronic one
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Re: Davis Vantage Rainmeter and ESP32

Post by benp »

mgugu wrote: Saturday 20 April 2024 19:06 This may be an electromagnetic interference problem (15 meters is a lot), several checks possible:
Thank you. I simplified the wiring: nothing plugged to the ESP32. Only the INPUT_PULLUP: I still have the problem: the interrupt fire 3 times per hour up to one time per 8 hours.
mgugu wrote: Saturday 20 April 2024 19:06 But definitely it is not a Domoticz problem but an electronic one
According to this experiment: that's not a Domoticz problem neither an electronic problem but an Arduino/ESP32 problem.
I will post to the Arduino forum: link coming soon here.
Domoticz V2024.7
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Re: Davis Vantage Rainmeter and ESP32

Post by benp »

Here is the link to the arduino forum:
https://forum.arduino.cc/t/stange-ghost ... cz/1250942
Domoticz V2024.7
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Re: Davis Vantage Rainmeter and ESP32

Post by benp »

The link to the Arduino forum:
https://forum.arduino.cc/t/stange-ghost ... cz/1250942

The ghost interrupt problem is SOLVED: this is an ESP32 bug.

Ghost interrupt can occur with wifi sleep so wifi sleep must be disable!
I will update the first post with link to working code.
Domoticz V2024.7
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