rc=19/Unknown error

For devices supporting the Auto Discovery feature. Like ZWaveJS2MQTT, Zigbee2MQTT.

Moderator: leecollings

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rc=19/Unknown error

Post by hestia »

Since several days I have this error

today w/o stopping 80 times

Code: Select all

rc=19/Unknown error

Code: Select all

domoticz,zwaveauto: Connecting to localhost:1883
Last time (yesterday?) I've rebooted the server and it was ok for a while

In another post it was mentioned the log of mosquitto
Some log
Spoiler: show
1666210232: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210232: New client connected from as 627E840B-C98E-DEDB-835C-9F0FF4FB0BD5 (p2, c1, k60).
1666210232: Client 627E840B-C98E-DEDB-835C-9F0FF4FB0BD5 disconnected.
1666210232: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210232: New client connected from as 277684DA-A1CB-0EAF-C0C6-C5948D8F2E8B (p2, c1, k60).
1666210232: Client 277684DA-A1CB-0EAF-C0C6-C5948D8F2E8B disconnected.
1666210233: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210233: New client connected from as 82408567-E00B-7221-2F07-5A5F3A9E3539 (p2, c1, k60).
1666210233: Client 82408567-E00B-7221-2F07-5A5F3A9E3539 disconnected.
1666210285: Saving in-memory database to /var/lib/mosquitto//mosquitto.db.
1666210334: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210334: New client connected from as 8BAB2852-6A17-AA61-5355-6960F1A8194D (p2, c1, k60).
1666210334: Client 8BAB2852-6A17-AA61-5355-6960F1A8194D disconnected.
1666210506: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover07431331-ec5a-40c3-b7f5-7f8dd6eadb4a31 closed its connection.
1666210506: Client Domoticzc8ace51a-174a-4c35-a9da-997080a8cbc530 closed its connection.
1666210506: Client Domoticz_1666210049_12420535106 closed its connection.
1666210650: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210650: New client connected from as Domoticz_1666210650_1021421814 (p2, c1, k60).
1666210650: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210650: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210650: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 (p2, c1, k40).
1666210650: New client connected from as Domoticz225feec5-80fb-43db-bdea-a8491a8724c130 (p2, c1, k40).
1666210703: Client aquaOnOff_2 closed its connection.
1666210703: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210703: New client connected from as aquaOnOff_2 (p2, c0, k10).
1666210705: Client aquaMeters_1_1 closed its connection.
1666210705: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210705: New client connected from as aquaMeters_1_1 (p2, c0, k10, u'mqttdz').
1666210775: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 closed its connection.
1666210802: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210802: New client connected from as 8DF9DE94-1AB5-745C-219D-A5CEBFBB5CDB (p2, c1, k60).
1666210802: Client 8DF9DE94-1AB5-745C-219D-A5CEBFBB5CDB disconnected.
1666210805: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210805: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 (p2, c1, k40).
1666210929: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 closed its connection.
1666210930: New connection from on port 1883.
1666210930: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 (p2, c1, k40).
1666211055: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 closed its connection.
1666211085: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211085: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 (p2, c1, k40).
1666211102: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211102: New client connected from as 7F9AE2D9-A39F-6089-0573-0C7E7612B9BB (p2, c1, k60).
1666211102: Client 7F9AE2D9-A39F-6089-0573-0C7E7612B9BB disconnected.
1666211210: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 closed its connection.
1666211211: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211211: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 (p2, c1, k40).
1666211335: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 closed its connection.
1666211336: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211336: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 (p2, c1, k40).
1666211406: Client Domoticz225feec5-80fb-43db-bdea-a8491a8724c130 closed its connection.
1666211406: Client Domoticz_1666210650_1021421814 closed its connection.
1666211406: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover78f51488-433e-418e-8d71-301ca735b55831 closed its connection.
1666211551: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211551: New client connected from as Domoticz_1666211551_182173243194 (p2, c1, k60).
1666211552: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211552: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211552: New client connected from as Domoticz107c631e-1233-4901-912d-8e5013be8b5d30 (p2, c1, k40).
1666211552: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscovera63c863f-f407-4467-b9ac-ad3231c0930d31 (p2, c1, k40).
1666211606: Client aquaOnOff_2 closed its connection.
1666211606: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211606: New client connected from as aquaOnOff_2 (p2, c0, k10).
1666211614: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211614: Client aquaMeters_1_1 already connected, closing old connection.
1666211614: New client connected from as aquaMeters_1_1 (p2, c0, k10, u'mqttdz').
1666211676: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscovera63c863f-f407-4467-b9ac-ad3231c0930d31 closed its connection.
1666211702: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211702: New client connected from as C24C286A-CD3D-E202-8C5E-A3108978BCE2 (p2, c1, k60).
1666211702: Client C24C286A-CD3D-E202-8C5E-A3108978BCE2 disconnected.
1666211706: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211706: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscovera63c863f-f407-4467-b9ac-ad3231c0930d31 (p2, c1, k40).
1666211736: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211736: New client connected from as 354F4BFD-0CAF-184B-B0AE-7BCFBE68B88E (p2, c1, k60).
1666211736: Client 354F4BFD-0CAF-184B-B0AE-7BCFBE68B88E disconnected.
1666211736: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211736: New client connected from as C2D0DAFD-77C8-494F-73EA-D484426B0DB8 (p2, c1, k60).
1666211736: Client C2D0DAFD-77C8-494F-73EA-D484426B0DB8 disconnected.
1666211737: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211737: New client connected from as 6B4F6627-F3AC-2B3A-90D6-A7FBAEFC4BB9 (p2, c1, k60).
1666211737: Client 6B4F6627-F3AC-2B3A-90D6-A7FBAEFC4BB9 disconnected.
1666211737: New connection from on port 1883.
1666211737: New client connected from as 3E3C5893-607B-CB78-38BC-CB8875F041A3 (p2, c1, k60).
1666211737: Client 3E3C5893-607B-CB78-38BC-CB8875F041A3 disconnected.

Code: Select all

Version: 2022.1 (build 14305)
Build Hash: 67f94077d
Compile Date: 2022-04-05 13:18:48
dzVents Version: 3.1.8
Python Version: 3.7.3 (default, Jan 22 2021, 20:04:44) [GCC 8.3.0]

Code: Select all

zwavejs2mqtt: 6.8.1
zwave-js: 9.0.7
home id: 3795207774
home hex: 0xe236465e
Some idea to avoid this?
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by gizmocuz »

Could you enable logging for your MQTT broker and check the logs ?
Maybe there is a timeout configured in your broker and you get disconnected,
Maybe it is not allowed to connect twice? (Should not be needed)
Anyway, the log might help you find the issue
Maybe in the Domoticz log above this line there is another line (or two/three) that explains more ?
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by hestia »

Thanks for your help!
this morning's log with 2 errors seen in dz
https://wetransfer.com/downloads/c6e5f7 ... 412/ff1acc
This is all the log I get on the server, you could filter to get mosquitto only

(I don't know if it is the right way to give such file with the forum...)
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by hestia »

Any news about the root cause, because I still have this issue in loop
It seems that it's not a mqtt disconnection because as soon as I stop mosquitto, the Shelly plugin raise an error
And when the Rc=19 error happens there is no Shelly error

Code: Select all

2022-10-24 23:25:02.464 Error: Domoticz(pid:17580, tid:17636('EventSystemQueu')) received fatal signal 6 (Aborted)
2022-10-24 23:25:02.464 Error: siginfo address=0x44ac, address=(nil)

Code: Select all

2022-10-24 23:35:21.194 Error: zwaveauto: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Unknown error.)
2022-10-24 23:37:27.211 Error: zwaveauto: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Unknown error.)
2022-10-24 23:40:02.238 Error: zwaveauto: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Unknown error.)
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by hestia »

other logs

Code: Select all

pi@proddz:~ $ systemctl status mosquitto
● mosquitto.service - Mosquitto MQTT Broker
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mosquitto.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-10-25 08:01:55 CEST; 50min ago
     Docs: man:mosquitto.conf(5)
  Process: 436 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -m 740 -p /var/log/mosquitto (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 449 ExecStartPre=/bin/chown mosquitto /var/log/mosquitto (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 455 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -m 740 -p /run/mosquitto (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 458 ExecStartPre=/bin/chown mosquitto /run/mosquitto (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 459 (mosquitto)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 2178)
   CGroup: /system.slice/mosquitto.service
           └─459 /usr/sbin/mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

Oct 25 08:48:01 proddz mosquitto[459]: 1666680481: Client auto-AD09BB52-D39F-626E-BD8E-F7B01090A996 disconnected.
Oct 25 08:48:02 proddz mosquitto[459]: 1666680482: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscovereb58ef60-e7d5-4c80-a85e-a6955e5
Oct 25 08:48:30 proddz mosquitto[459]: 1666680510: New connection from on port 1883.
Oct 25 08:48:31 proddz mosquitto[459]: 1666680511: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoD
Oct 25 08:50:35 proddz mosquitto[459]: 1666680635: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscovereb58ef60-e7d5-4c80-a85e-a6955e5
Oct 25 08:51:04 proddz mosquitto[459]: 1666680664: New connection from on port 1883.
Oct 25 08:51:04 proddz mosquitto[459]: 1666680664: New client connected from as Domoticz-MQTT-AutoD
Oct 25 08:51:44 proddz mosquitto[459]: 1666680704: Client ZWAVE_GATEWAY-zwavejs2mqtt closed its connection.
Oct 25 08:51:51 proddz mosquitto[459]: 1666680711: New connection from on port 1883.

2022-10-25 08:55:01.810 Error: Domoticz(pid:10018, tid:10100('EventSystemQueu')) received fatal signal 6 (Aborted)
2022-10-25 08:55:01.810 Error: siginfo address=0x2722, address=(nil)
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by Miesje »

Did you manage to solve the problem.
I have the same problem it runs for a week and then several disconnect errors:
Line 1: 2022-12-29T11:24:39: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 4: 2022-12-29T11:26:35: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 7: 2022-12-29T11:27:59: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 10: 2022-12-29T11:29:29: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 13: 2022-12-29T11:31:25: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 16: 2022-12-29T11:33:08: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 19: 2022-12-29T11:34:30: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 22: 2022-12-29T11:36:01: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 25: 2022-12-29T11:37:51: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 28: 2022-12-29T11:39:31: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 31: 2022-12-29T11:41:02: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverf6d6e1f2-d267-4215-a684-d536c912910c33 closed its connection.
Line 43: 2022-12-29T14:12:18: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover60e2b81c-19c2-4393-b799-ddc3c30c99e333 closed its connection.
Line 48: 2022-12-29T14:19:34: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover94c4d387-f309-4f81-91c5-35be1d6b1ccb33 closed its connection.
Line 51: 2022-12-29T14:21:21: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover94c4d387-f309-4f81-91c5-35be1d6b1ccb33 closed its connection.
Line 54: 2022-12-29T14:22:51: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover94c4d387-f309-4f81-91c5-35be1d6b1ccb33 closed its connection.
Line 63: 2022-12-29T14:28:09: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover94c4d387-f309-4f81-91c5-35be1d6b1ccb33 closed its connection.
Line 66: 2022-12-29T14:30:30: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover94c4d387-f309-4f81-91c5-35be1d6b1ccb33 closed its connection.
Line 72: 2022-12-29T14:37:40: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover1443e392-3b0c-448c-bdda-979040c08feb33 closed its connection.
Line 75: 2022-12-29T14:43:12: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover47adf65b-9e2a-45e3-ab74-835e7621d7d535 closed its connection.
Line 79: 2022-12-29T14:49:51: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover1443e392-3b0c-448c-bdda-979040c08feb33 closed its connection.
Line 85: 2022-12-29T14:59:16: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover1443e392-3b0c-448c-bdda-979040c08feb33 closed its connection.
Line 88: 2022-12-29T15:00:44: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover1443e392-3b0c-448c-bdda-979040c08feb33 closed its connection.
Line 93: 2022-12-29T15:02:14: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover1443e392-3b0c-448c-bdda-979040c08feb33 closed its connection.
Line 98: 2022-12-29T15:03:29: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscover1443e392-3b0c-448c-bdda-979040c08feb33 closed its connection.
and more disconnects

It driving me crazy.
OZB was not stable after a reboot but after that it keeps running.

Domoticz 2022.2 running on ubuntu 22.04
Devices/plugins: zWave-js-ui (55 devices), zigbee2mqtt (53 devices), Anna, SolarEdge, RFLink 433, p1 Smart Reader, S01 meter, Hue, MiLight, MQTT, Aranet4 CO2, HLK-SW16 Relay .
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by hestia »

Not really :-(
But perhaps some progress
I had a look at this post
MQTT Autodiscovery - need to force rediscovery after restart only for 1 device : Fibaro FGS211
And changed some values (I think only one, because the other seemed to be the default)
. Change of value for 2 options in Mosquitto conf :

- max_queued_messages: the limit of the delivery queue - default is 100 ==> setted it to 1000.
- max_inflight_messages: the number of QoS 1 and 2 messages which can be processed simultaneously (i.e. be in a pending state). The default is 20, ==> setted it to 1000.

the idea was to avoid DZ MQTT connection being dropped
Also I've checked the param with the wiki
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by Miesje »

I have managed that mqtt is stable, for now for 5 days on a row.
I have put mqtt in a docker and used this config:

persistence true
allow_anonymous true
password_file /mosquitto/config/passwd
listener 1883
log_type all
#log_type information
#log_type notice
#log_type error
#log_type warning
log_dest topic
log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log

max_queued_messages 1000
max_inflight_messages 1000

log_timestamp_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
connection_messages true

I think that the setting: "allow_anonymous false" is causing the problem only with zwave-js-ui.
When I put this on false it get disconnected several times. (so it will use authentication)
Zigbee2mqtt does not seem to have this problem.

I will keep it, the setting true, for a week and then change it to false.
Lets see whats happens.

Domoticz 2022.2 running on ubuntu 22.04
Devices/plugins: zWave-js-ui (55 devices), zigbee2mqtt (53 devices), Anna, SolarEdge, RFLink 433, p1 Smart Reader, S01 meter, Hue, MiLight, MQTT, Aranet4 CO2, HLK-SW16 Relay .
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by Miesje »

It was not the solution.
disconneting after a few day even more then ever.
I'm almost giving and move to HomeAssistant
Domoticz 2022.2 running on ubuntu 22.04
Devices/plugins: zWave-js-ui (55 devices), zigbee2mqtt (53 devices), Anna, SolarEdge, RFLink 433, p1 Smart Reader, S01 meter, Hue, MiLight, MQTT, Aranet4 CO2, HLK-SW16 Relay .
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by firesfinx »


After my 6+ attempts to switch to switch from Open zwave to Zwave JS, I got this error as well. I am using a rpi4 on Buster, Domoticz 2022-2 (due to compatibility with mydomoathome), Z-wave-js in snap (can not get the docker version working without upgrading and breaking other programs) and a Z-Stick Gen5+. When looking in the details of the MQTT logs I noticed that one of my neo coolcam plugs (which gives occasionally give wrong power ratings) seemed to cause this issue. Just before every rc=19/Unknown error it seems the last thing I could see in the MQTT log was an update of this plug. I suspect this occasionally wrong power reading might cause the issue.

I have not tried to see if removing these plugs helps, but perhaps it gives others here a clue. The only way to test this properly is in my live z-wave environment. However I am not willing to switch from openzwave to zwave-js if this causes errors. Openzwave runs perfect with my 90 current devices, but zwavejs is the future (starts up quicker and provides more options). Especially after messing with my system, Openzwave is sometimes hard to get properly running and requires all nodes to to be interviewed again. This causes havoc to my house till all devices are properly discovered and takes about 3 - 6 hours (mostly depending on the wake-up time of the nodes on battery which i set to 3 hours). Waking up every device manually I gave up after me first attempts and takes about the same time.

Anyway I feel like I cannot avoid going to zwave-js for ever and hope someone here can tell it their neo coolcam plug works without giving this error. for now back openzwave so all works, before I replace all my devices to zwave-js versions.

I hope this helps and after more attempt it does work for me, I will let you know.
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by BartSr »

I got almost same errors

I solved this by disabling the hardware: MQTT Auto Discovery Client Gateway with LAN interface

Maybe this is valid for others as ell


update: it clears the errors but also the mqtt ad devices stopped receiving data.. :oops:
Schermafbeelding 2023-10-28 140512.jpg
Schermafbeelding 2023-10-28 140512.jpg (59.37 KiB) Viewed 2279 times
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by BartSr »

And finally after too many rc19 errors? Domoticz crashed.
Months ago this happened.
Presume MQTT AD or the detected datasource (new Nodoshop OTGW software makes Domoticz crash.
So possibly revert to old software.
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by firesfinx »

A small update from my quest to switch from Openzwave to zwaveJS. With the begining of this year I made a fresh install of the 64bit version of Buster on my RPI4. Installed domoticz 2023 and zwaveJS with docker with help of this post [viewtopic.php?p=303505&hilit=Install#p303505] which provided the critical details I was missing.

It runs quite well without any reoccuring (rc=19/Unknown) errors. Also zwaveJS does not cause domoticz to crash / freeze, something which happened before quite a lot with openzwave after rebooting. After a day of checking all my 90+ nodes, I swapped them over to the new zwaveJS versions without any issues.

Thanks for the domoticz team of making this transfer relatively easy. Reflecting on my tranfer to zwaveJS, the biggest issue for me were the missing instructions how to install docker, in which the previously mentioned post helped a great deal (might be wise to include this instruction to the Wiki to help the none linux expert users)

Thanks and good luck for all who have to switch
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Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by waltervl »

I think this Docker install instructions are on the wiki https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Docker
And also on the Zwave-JS-UI wiki https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Zwave-JS-UI
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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Posts: 1300
Joined: Monday 02 June 2014 22:46
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
Domoticz version: 2024.4
Location: Netherlands / Breda Area

Re: rc=19/Unknown error

Post by sincze »

firesfinx wrote: Wednesday 24 January 2024 18:15 A small update from my quest to switch from Openzwave to zwaveJS. With the begining of this year I made a fresh install of the 64bit version of Buster on my RPI4. Installed domoticz 2023 and zwaveJS with docker with help of this post [https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopi ... ll#p303505] which provided the critical details I was missing.

It runs quite well without any reoccuring (rc=19/Unknown) errors. Also zwaveJS does not cause domoticz to crash / freeze, something which happened before quite a lot with openzwave after rebooting. After a day of checking all my 90+ nodes, I swapped them over to the new zwaveJS versions without any issues.

Thanks for the domoticz team of making this transfer relatively easy. Reflecting on my tranfer to zwaveJS, the biggest issue for me were the missing instructions how to install docker, in which the previously mentioned post helped a great deal (might be wise to include this instruction to the Wiki to help the none linux expert users)

Thanks and good luck for all who have to switch
I now also start to see these messages appearing. I added a 2nd Domoticz Docker to see if it was just the production environment. But they both show this message

Code: Select all

 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

2024-04-20 05:09:24.223 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 00:40:48.243 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 00:52:09.216 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 01:01:16.232 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 01:20:14.236 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 01:33:09.220 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 01:42:21.211 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 01:51:23.212 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 02:02:25.260 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 02:15:47.219 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 02:24:55.180 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 03:06:01.230 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 03:17:19.169 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 03:30:32.254 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 03:41:50.223 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 04:25:00.252 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 04:34:10.209 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 04:45:07.236 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 04:58:03.183 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 05:09:24.223 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 05:18:19.262 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 05:31:28.257 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 06:22:46.163 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 06:35:41.248 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 06:42:57.166 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 06:54:13.227 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 07:17:27.233 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 07:54:39.210 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 08:03:35.208 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 09:34:31.261 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 09:55:42.201 Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

2024-04-20 00:53:49.183 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 01:01:45.188 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 01:34:29.205 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 01:44:07.268 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 01:53:11.254 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 02:04:21.202 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 02:16:29.181 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 02:25:38.259 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 03:18:55.225 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 03:41:52.343 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 04:45:29.225 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 04:58:24.171 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 05:09:24.213 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 05:19:36.250 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 05:32:14.207 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 06:36:07.196 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 06:43:31.229 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 06:54:12.203 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
2024-04-20 07:18:01.171 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
Although they look similar production seems to have far less disconnects compared to test and timestamps are slightly different.
Do not have an idea on how to solve this yet.

Production Domoticz runs native on a Pi and mosquitto is within a docker.
Comparing mosquitto log:

Code: Select all

2024-04-20T10:49:11: Client Domoticz-MQTT-AutoDiscoverb8c19e6e-b1b1-49a6-8e2e-7cff3ce7e5f649 closed its connection.
With Domoticz:

Code: Select all

24-04-20 10:49:11.244 [9c7f7200] Error: Zwave-JS-UI: disconnected, restarting (rc=19/Keepalive exceeded)
LAN: RFLink, P1, OTGW, MySensors
USB: RFXCom, ZWave, Sonoff 3
WIFI: Mi-light, Tasmota, Xiaomi Shelly
Solar: Omnik, PVOutput
Video: Kodi, Harmony HUB, Chromecast
Sensors: You name it I got 1.
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