Flip-Flop function with Blockly

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Flip-Flop function with Blockly

Post by njlammerts »

I created a flip/flop within Blockly to generate an on/off switch/light for emergency purpose.
Maybe it can be of use to you. The timing cannot be the same, then it does hot flip/flop, there has to be a little difference.
You have to create 3 dummy switches and the first I renamed to "Set/Reset" because this starts and stops the flip/flop behavior.
The start can be somewhat irregular, but after 2-3 switches it is stabilized

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-04-18 om 10.10.44.png
Scherm­afbeelding 2024-04-18 om 10.10.44.png (159.77 KiB) Viewed 1177 times
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