All members thnx for reply.
I had already a MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface. In Setup were all devices (329) in the optionlist and they send a lot of data to domoticz/out...

I was not able to filter that in MQTT Explorer.. My fault. If I put text in the searchfield it filters that topicname. But I want to filter a device in that topic... Maybe can someone explain that to me too?
This is the config of the MQTT client gateway:
And this is the actual setup:
But in the last hour there were no more messages send related to PVoutput. I do not see them passing by in MQTT Explorer and also not in debug screen of Node-RED.. This is how I subscribed to the input Node.
So up till now no results..
I made on proposal of skippy711 another hardware device with only subscription to energy and 2 selected options but no results either..