Button won't trigger Blocky

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Joined: Friday 16 November 2018 17:59
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Button won't trigger Blocky

Post by ChrisVH1982 »

Hello community,

I have been trying to use a Zigbee Button to trigger different things. In this example, I am trying to switch an air dehumidifier on using that button.

Currently, I am either switching the air dehumidifier on using my phone or using the phsycal button on the Shelly Plug S actor. Then, after a certain period of time, the air dehumidifier will be switched off again. This works fine. But because I relocated the actor, which is now hard to reach, I wanted to add a wireless button.

The physical button registered four buttons buttons to Domoticz: ON/OFF/UP/DOWN. I want to utilize the "ON" button. None of these buttons ever change their condition. For instance, the "ON" button will never change its status to "OFF". But when I press the button, the "Last Update" value changes.

So I added the button using two different ways... None of these work out. But why? In my screenshots the button is called "Taster Bad AN".
Event in log.png
Event in log.png (52.94 KiB) Viewed 1211 times
Option 2.png
Option 2.png (18.88 KiB) Viewed 1211 times
Option 1.png
Option 1.png (10.73 KiB) Viewed 1211 times
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