- one with influxdb v1 that stores the power consumption of the home,
- and another with domoticz + influxdb v2, and that stores all other kinds of data, including (unfortunately) the energy consumed by my EV (via dombusevse https://www.creasol.it/en/products/domo ... iy-wallbox).
The problem: Domoticz is sending all data to influxdb v2, but I want the EV energy to be added to the influxdb v1 in the other raspberry...and I don't think this is possible with influxlink (to have data from some sensors to go to one server with v2 and others to another server with v1)?
The possible solution: a dzvents lua script to push the data to influxdb v1 when the EV energy sensor "dombus - (1.7) EV Energy" changes from 0 (starts charging)? I'm a noob at dzvents lua, so any help is greatly appreciated. Currently I'm doing the process manually, i.e., I read the values of consumed energy from domoticz and use a curl to send it to the rpi.
Code: Select all
curl -i -XPOST '' --data-binary 'home_energy_5m energy=13.76 1711920245000000000'