2-wire intercom: get and send signals

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2-wire intercom: get and send signals

Post by desertdog »

In our apartment building, we have a 2-wire intercom. With this intercom, 2 doors can be opened. These doors can only be opened after a bell is pressed

The first one is a doorbell (per apartment) on the ground floor for the general door to the apartment.

The second one is a doorbell (per apartment) and a door on each floor. Opening happens with the same button on a Bticino intercom hand unit.

In our apartment building, we have a 2-wire intercom. With this intercom, 2 doors can be opened. These doors can only be opened after a bell is pressed. So there seem to be 2 different outgoing (and maybe also incoming) signals

Is there a way to 'learn' these signals (bell pressed) and respond automatically to an incoming signal with a door-opening signal (also 'learned')?

Please let me know or point me to some more info
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