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Post by HvdW »

I wasn't able to find documentation to get KY-037 / KY-038 running on Domoticz.

I did some testing and using ESPEasy I was able to get analog and digital signals.
In Domoticz a dummy device for sound level was created and another for digital output, a counter incremental.
espeasy.jpg (53.74 KiB) Viewed 1172 times
domoticz.jpg (27.7 KiB) Viewed 1172 times
I'm getting some results but am not able to brew logic out of it.

I want to use the device for traffic counting, the digital output for paying attention to act and the analog output for discriminating between cars and lorries.

Anyone here having experience with these KY-037 / KY-038 devices and domoticz?

BTW The analog numbers are just numbers and not related to actual db values.
Just to show that there is output.
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Re: KY-037

Post by waltervl »

The device seems to be a counter of sounds higher than a preset level.

So every time it hears something it will send a high signal. In Domoticz you see the count of those high signals.
24 is the total count of today, 728 is the total count.
See also the wiki for an explanation of the counter incremental device: ... ncremental
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Re: KY-037

Post by HvdW »

Meanwhile I have been trying and testing.
- setting the sound threshold does a lot of good and I'll finetune it while watching the traffic and compare it to the actual count from the KY-037.
- setting the non responsive interval to (at this moment) 8 seconds enhances the counting accuracy a lot.
HvdW wrote: Tuesday 26 March 2024 9:17 I'm getting some results but am not able to brew logic out of it.
The counting now has come to a stage where the number of sound level trespassing is in line with the input I'm giving to the device.

I'm realistic. I don't need to achieve a 100% exact count, but knowing about how much traffic passes is interesting to be able to compare the numbers the local authoroties are publishing.
I just want my estimation that there's more traffic passsing being supported with figures.
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Re: KY-037

Post by waltervl »

So it is an issue with how to setup the KY-037 and not the way it reports to Domoticz....

You better asked it in an Esp easy forum as they created the interface into esp easy for this sensor.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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