Dummy device type timer

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Dummy device type timer

Post by harrykausl »

I have a lot of dummy-switches which work as timers. For example I open a window and switch the dummy-switch on (lua), it has a specific off after some minutes. When it runs off, I send a message, that the window is still open. It would be nice, to have a specific kind of dummy-timer switches, the only propertiy would be the timeoffset. It would be more nice, if the resting time would be shown on the device. Still more better, if this devices would be virtual devices, which could be created via lua and deleted via lua. So when window opens, I would create the timer and when it closes, I would delete it. In this case, we would need another property (what to do when ends). The advantge would be, that I have not a switch for every window but only for the open windows.
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Re: Dummy device type timer

Post by waltervl »

You could use Dzvents scripting for this. The only thing is that the resting time cannot be shown but you could use a text device for this that shown countdown for all the open windows.
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