Domoticz version 2024.4 script issues

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Domoticz version 2024.4 script issues

Post by bsergiu »

Hello all,

I have just updated via UI from the version 2022.1 to the 2024.4 and I do have a couple of script issues.

I cannot see my Automation scripts at all in the UI. Neither dzVents nor the Blockly ones. If I look on the SD Card under
~/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts I can see my scripts (the dzVents ones) in the folder. They also seem to work (some of them triggered by a ZWave button, works as well) , but I can not see them in the UI and I cannot create new ones in the UI. Pressing the "+" button shows an empty sub-menu ...

Any hints ?

Thank you all in advance!
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Re: Domoticz version 2024.4 script issues

Post by waltervl »

Perhaps clear your browser cache, or start to check with a browser session in incognito/private mode.

Also check the security settings (menu setup - settings, tab security) and check user settings in menu setup - users.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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