I just added to hardware MQTT Autodiscovery and.. Now I have to set over 130 new devices to unused

So I have maybe even 2 separate feature-requsts (should I bring this up on github in issues?):
- Add to MQTT Auto Discovery Client Gateway option to not add automatically everything discovered.
- Allow for selected (checked) devices to mass change Used/unused (or at least to allow for them to be set to Unused)
Sorry if I duplicated some feature-request.
Ad.1 - I managed to set all to unused devices that was added by discovery using dev console in browser using this 'one-liner':
Code: Select all
for(var i=<start-idx>;i<=<end-idx>;i++) { $.get('http://<domoticz-ip>:8080/json.htm?idx='+i+'&maindeviceidx=&name=¶m=setdevused&type=command&used=false');}