Does mqtt auto discovery support this Sonoff sensor

For devices supporting the Auto Discovery feature. Like ZWaveJS2MQTT, Zigbee2MQTT.

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Does mqtt auto discovery support this Sonoff sensor

Post by jack100 »

Hi all,

Does mqtt auto discovery in domoticz support the sonoff SNZB-02 temperatue/humidity sensor?
I paired this sensor at my tasmota sonoff ZbBridge. I see the values in the main menu of the sonoff zbbridge.
But in domoticz at mqtt auto discovery I see no device.

Sonoff ZbBridge
☀️ 19.5°C 💧 58%

Zigbee: EZSP v6.7.8.0
Tasmota 12.3.1 by Theo Arends

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Re: Does mqtt auto discovery support this Sonoff sensor

Post by waltervl »

First invest time if this bridge flashed with Tasmota supports MQTT AD.
See wiki for some examples of the protocol.

Better buy a Sonoff USB dongle or flash the bridge with zigbee2mqtt supported firmware (if exists).

Edit:: see also with a failed attempt.
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Re: Does mqtt auto discovery support this Sonoff sensor

Post by jack100 »

In the console of the sonof zbbridge I see this from the sonoff sensor.

21:42:18.518 MQT: tele/tasmota_E19131/SENSOR = {"ZbReceived":{"0x6C98":{"Device":"0x6C98","Name":" SNZB-02","Humidity":67.48,"Endpoint":1,"LinkQuality":123}}}
21:42:28.555 MQT: tele/tasmota_E19131/SENSOR = {"ZbReceived":{"0x6C98":{"Device":"0x6C98","Name":" SNZB-02","Temperature":19.94,"Endpoint":1,"LinkQuality":120}}}

How get I this values in domoticz.

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Re: Does mqtt auto discovery support this Sonoff sensor

Post by waltervl »

The short answer is: Throw away that bridge and buy another Sonoff USB Zigbee Coordinator and use zigbee2MQTT to map your zigbee devices to Domoticz.

The other answer is (with a lot of research by yourself as this will be a learning curve!)
1. try to setup Tasmota rules to send data to domoticz with Domoticz API > check tasmota documentation
2. use mqttmapper plugin to map tasmota MQTT messages to Domoticz. > install mqttmapper plugin and setup transformation rules.
3. Connect your zbridge to zigbee2MQTT > check Zigbee2MQTT documentation.
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Re: Does mqtt auto discovery support this Sonoff sensor

Post by jack100 »

Yes, it's better.

I will buy the Sonoff zigbee 3.0 usb dongle plus zbdongle-P.
A good choice?

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Re: Does mqtt auto discovery support this Sonoff sensor

Post by waltervl »

yes that dongle works just fine with zigbee2mqtt (and other integrations)!
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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