Migrate full domoticz / moqsuitto / zwavejs-ui

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Migrate full domoticz / moqsuitto / zwavejs-ui

Post by dizzeenl »

Hy all,

I'm trying to migrate my domoticz set-up but facing some problems

Old situation
Rapberry pi 3 (SD) with domoticz, with mosquitto and zwavejs-ui with snapd
aeotec z wave gen 5 stick

New situation
Raspberry 4 (SSD) with domoticz, moquitto and zwavejs-ui with docker.
aeotec z wave gen 5 stick

I did made a backup of
  • domoticz and restored it into the new situation [success]
  • the zwavestick with the backup tool and restored it into a second/new stick [success]
  • zwavejs-ui (settings,nodes and user conf) [succes]
When i run the new installation
  • domoticz and zwavejs-ui looks the same like the old situation
  • in zwavejs-ui the nodes wil load succesfully (same nodeID), it take quite some time to complete the interview for each device
  • within zwavejs-ui i can control the nodes
When i try a node with a completed interview i got within domoticz an error: something like "Error sending switch command, check device idx 358"
Am i missing something?
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Re: Migrate full domoticz / moqsuitto / zwavejs-ui

Post by HvdW »

Check device 358.
Is it present in the new setup?
Is this the only error in the Domoticz log?

If it is just that error then delete the device and set it up again and things will run smooth.
Bugs bug me.
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Re: Migrate full domoticz / moqsuitto / zwavejs-ui

Post by dizzeenl »

I got this error by trying to switch a zwave button. in this case with roller shutter.

i looked in the log and it seems there is an connection error
2024-02-21 14:24:20.968 Error: ZWAVE: Failed to start, return code: 14/Cannot assign requested address (Check IP/Port)
2024-02-21 14:24:37.991 Error: ZWAVE: Switch not found!? (zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_Node42_position/[R] Tuin)
2024-02-21 14:25:00.523 Error: ZWAVE: Switch not found!? (zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_6-37-0-currentValue/[P] Outlet Tafel)
The previous settings for connecting to Mqtt seems not valid anymore.
it was set to localhost:1887, i changed both in zwavejs-ui MQTT settings and domoticz hardware.

The error's are gone, but the switches ar not reacting jet...
(you can flip them, but nothing happens)

i will leave it for a moment so all nodes are interviewed. looks like some configuration problem.
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Re: Migrate full domoticz / moqsuitto / zwavejs-ui

Post by waltervl »

when running different applications in docker do not use localhost to define addresses eg to locate MQTT server in ZwaveJSUI and Domoticz. Use the real IP of the machine.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: Migrate full domoticz / moqsuitto / zwavejs-ui

Post by dizzeenl »

changing localhost (wich came from the restored config form my old situation) seems to resolve te connection error.

Unfortunately the system doesnt work, and i got no errors at te moment.

I dont knot how the nodes are handeled but it seems to be unique for each system.
When reinterviewing the nodes the do not correspond with te new situation.... (i think they shouldn't be reinterviewed in the first place).

anybody with experience with such migration?

The reinterviewed power switches (SP06, SP07) doesnt work in either the old as the new installation anymore and also the new device is not reacting.
I'm afraid i have to include all devices again (something i try to avoid :roll: )

Bacause testing has effect on the current situation its a bit nerve-racking...

Code: Select all

2024-02-21 16:00:04.098 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_electric_kwh_value)/SP06 (SP06_electric_kwh_value) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-50-0-value-65537)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.198 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_electric_w_value)/SP06 (SP06_electric_w_value) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-50-0-value-66049)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.198 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_electric_v_value)/SP06 (SP06_electric_v_value) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-50-0-value-66561)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.299 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_electric_a_value)/SP06 (SP06_electric_a_value) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-50-0-value-66817)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.300 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_switch_20)/SP06 (SP06_config_switch_20) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-20)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.401 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_number_21)/SP06 (SP06_config_number_21) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-21)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.401 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_number_24)/SP06 (SP06_config_number_24) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-24)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.501 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_switch_27)/SP06 (SP06_config_switch_27) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-27)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.502 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_number_151)/SP06 (SP06_config_number_151) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-151)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.603 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_number_152)/SP06 (SP06_config_number_152) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-152)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.603 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_number_171)/SP06 (SP06_config_number_171) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-171)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.704 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_number_172)/SP06 (SP06_config_number_172) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-172)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.704 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_number_173)/SP06 (SP06_config_number_173) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-173)
2024-02-21 16:00:04.805 Status: ZWAVE: discovered: SP06 (SP06_config_number_174)/SP06 (SP06_config_number_174) (unique_id: zwavejs2mqtt_0xd2e54cd5_82-112-0-174)
sp06-2.png (29.18 KiB) Viewed 1147 times
sp06.png (27.79 KiB) Viewed 1147 times
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Re: Migrate full domoticz / moqsuitto / zwavejs-ui

Post by waltervl »

If the devices are working and switchable in ZwaveJS UI then you do not need to include all devices again. The info is on the Zwave stick and in ZwaveJS-UI.

Use MQTT explorer to see what is going on https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/MQTT#Debugging_MQTT
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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