After 4 years running Domoticz with more than 100 devices (including virtual, tasmotas, shellies, ... almost all based on MQTT protocol and JSON API) and a relevant quantity of dzVents scripts, I'm thinking about what should be the way for the future of my installation from the reliability, management and performance point of view.
Thanks to MQTT Auto Discovery (released since 2022.2 on Nov'22) and tools like shellyteacher4domo, I learned enough about how discovery protocol works, so I would like to move as many devices as possible from (old) MQTT Client Gateway and other DIY virtual devices to different instances of MQTT-AD Hardware.
Then my questions are (maybe for the core developers):
- Makes it sense considering the above mentioned reasons?
- Will serveral instances of MQTT-AD hardware impact on performance?
Thanks a lot for this great piece of software

Running Domoticz Stable ...
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and Domoticz Beta ...
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