MELCloud issues

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MELCloud issues

Post by Patricen »


I'm not familiar at all with GitHub, but noticed that nonolk proceeded to a brilliant improvement using setpoints instead of multilevel switches to control MELCloud units.
Besides this, as it looks like Mitsubishi Electric servers are now limiting the data traffic. The polling interval is pretty short on this version, this creates logout from MELCloud servers.

On the other hand, tuk90 made a great job extending the features of MELCloud plugin giving the ability to set polling interval, but this version uses the legacy multilevel switches that is not really convenient. ... tree/fixes

Is there a possibility that somebody merges the 2 capabilities?


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Re: MELCloud issues

Post by waltervl »

You better have to discuss this on the repository of the plugins by creating an issue.
Chances are minimal this will be read here on the forum.

The owner of the plugin has to merge the proposed changes in his repository. Perhaps buy him a coffee to speed things up :)
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