HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

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Re: HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

Post by azonneveld »

Create file "p1.lua" in "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua_parsers/" containing:

Code: Select all

------ BEGIN ------
local idGas = <IDX>
local idEnergy = <IDX>

-- Read API values
s = request['content'];

-- Gasmeter

local a = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.total_gas_m3')

-- Energiemeter

-- Dal import value
local b = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.total_power_import_t1_kwh')
-- Piek import value
local c = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.total_power_import_t2_kwh')
-- Dal return value
local d = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.total_power_export_t1_kwh')
-- Piek return value
local e = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.total_power_export_t2_kwh')
-- Active Watt Usage
local f = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.active_power_w')
local g = math.abs(domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.active_power_w'))
local h = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'active_power_l1_w')
local i = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'active_power_l2_w')
local j = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'active_power_l3_w')
if f<0 then f = 0 elseif f>0 then g = 0 end

domoticz_updateDevice(idEnergy,'',b*1000 ..";"..c*1000 ..";"..d*1000 ..";"..e*1000 ..";"..f..";"..g)
------ END ------
supplement with your own idx at the top of the script

Then create a hardware device: http-poller
Fill as follows

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Re: HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

Post by AthomeDomotica »

Thanks for the reply to this issue...

Everything is working; Phone APP and Browser.

Why is it suddenly not reading?


P1 JSON_401.jpg
P1 JSON_401.jpg (46.58 KiB) Viewed 2112 times
Last edited by AthomeDomotica on Monday 09 January 2023 19:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

Post by waltervl »

Make an issue on the GitHub repository of the plugin https://github.com/Eraser3/HomeWizard-Wifi-p1-plugin
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Re: HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

Post by azonneveld »

AthomeDomotica wrote: Saturday 07 January 2023 11:34 Why is it suddenly not reading?
Ah, got it, you are using a plugin, I cannot awnser that.

The method I described is using the built-in http poller.

A hint: blur your unique ids.
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Re: HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

Post by AthomeDomotica »

azonneveld wrote: Saturday 07 January 2023 21:22
AthomeDomotica wrote: Saturday 07 January 2023 11:34
A hint: blur your unique ids.
Thanks for the tip :-)
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Re: HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

Post by AthomeDomotica »

waltervl wrote: Saturday 07 January 2023 12:19 Make an issue on the GitHub repository of the plugin https://github.com/Eraser3/HomeWizard-Wifi-p1-plugin

Thanks for the responce.
I've made a Issue on Github for this. I hope for responce, lets see?

"Eraser3/HomeWizard-Wifi-p1-plugin Failed to read response data"


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Re: HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

Post by Eraser »

AthomeDomotica wrote: Saturday 14 January 2023 12:25
waltervl wrote: Saturday 07 January 2023 12:19 Make an issue on the GitHub repository of the plugin https://github.com/Eraser3/HomeWizard-Wifi-p1-plugin

Thanks for the responce.
I've made a Issue on Github for this. I hope for responce, lets see?

"Eraser3/HomeWizard-Wifi-p1-plugin Failed to read response data"


Sorry for the extreme late response. There was a problem with the plugin some time ago and I updated the script back then. It had to do with a firmware update of the p1 meter. I never saw your topic post about this so that's why I never responded to it.

The latest plugin on Github should work fine with the latest updates from HomeWizard.
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Re: HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

Post by Empha88 »

AthomeDomotica wrote: Friday 06 January 2023 14:48 After 2 weeks I' am getting this error?'

Error: P1 HomeWizard: Failed to read response data

2023-01-06 14:42:00.041 P1 HomeWizard: Pushing 'onHeartbeatCallback' on to queue
2023-01-06 14:42:00.091 P1 HomeWizard: Processing 'onHeartbeatCallback' message
2023-01-06 14:42:00.091 P1 HomeWizard: Acquiring GIL for 'onHeartbeatCallback'
2023-01-06 14:42:00.091 P1 HomeWizard: Calling message handler 'onHeartbeat' on 'module' type object.
2023-01-06 14:42:00.204 P1 HomeWizard: Acquiring GIL for 'onHeartbeatCallback'
2023-01-06 14:42:00.204 Error: P1 HomeWizard: Failed to read response data
Anyone experienced this ?

Domoticz restarted, same issue

At the end of the Python script is this activated!
if ( self.dataIntervalCount >= self.dataInterval or self.switchIntervalCount >= self.switchInterval ):
self.smr_version = Data['smr_version']
self.meter_model = Data['meter_model']
self.wifi_ssid = Data['wifi_ssid']
self.wifi_strength = Data['wifi_strength']
self.total_power_import_t1_kwh = int(Data['total_power_import_t1_kwh'] * 1000)
self.total_power_import_t2_kwh = int(Data['total_power_import_t2_kwh'] * 1000)
self.total_power_export_t1_kwh = int(Data['total_power_export_t1_kwh'] * 1000)
self.total_power_export_t2_kwh = int(Data['total_power_export_t2_kwh'] * 1000)
self.active_power_w = Data['active_power_w']
self.active_power_l1_w = Data['active_power_l1_w']
self.active_power_l2_w = Data['active_power_l2_w']
self.active_power_l3_w = Data['active_power_l3_w']
self.total_gas_m3 = int(Data['total_gas_m3'] * 1000)
self.gas_timestamp = Data['gas_timestamp']

if ( self.active_power_w >= 0):
self.import_active_power_w = self.active_power_w
self.export_active_power_w = 0
self.import_active_power_w = 0
self.export_active_power_w = self.active_power_w * -1
Domoticz.Error("Failed to read response data")

How to debug this issue?

Thanks for youre time to responce
Im also getting this issue, any solution for this?
Im on firmware 5.05

Reading this:

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Re: HomeWizard P1 Wifi into Domoticz

Post by Empha88 »

Did my own lua script and renamed the values i wanted.
Seems like i have other values than the script you guys have.

------ BEGIN ------
-- Read API values
s = request['content'];

-- Energimeter
-- return value
local a = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.total_power_import_t1_kwh')
-- active current return
local b = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.active_power_w')
local c = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'active_power_l1_w')
local c = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.active_current_l1_a')
local d = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.active_current_l2_a')
local e = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.active_current_l3_a')
local f = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.active_power_l1_w')
local g = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.active_power_l2_w')
local h = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.active_power_l3_w')
local i = domoticz_applyJsonPath(s,'.wifi_strength')

local idkWh = 7

local idW = 92

local idA = 98
domoticz_updateDevice(idA,'',c ..";"..d ..";"..e)

local idWiFi = 99

local idA = 100
domoticz_updateDevice(idA,'',b ..";"..a*1000)

local idW1 = 101

local idW2 = 102

local idW3 = 103

------ END ------
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