I have another one coming from the
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
"avty_t": "OTGW/value/OTGW-V2",
"dev": {"identifiers": "OTGW-V2",
"manufacturer": "Schelte Bron",
"model": "otgw-nodo",
"name": "OpenTherm Gateway (OTGW)",
"sw_version": "0.10.2+50c3ed2 (14-03-2023)"},
"uniq_id": "OTGW-V2-CHPressure",
"name": "OTGW_Water_pressure_in_CH_circuit",
"stat_t": "OTGW/value/OTGW-V2/CHPressure",
"unit_of_measurement": "bar",
"value_template": "{{ value }}",
"state_class" : "measurement"
The unit_of_measurement is set but it shows up as custom device with bar on the axis label (see below) instead of pressure device.

- 2024-02-11_20h13_30.png (12.12 KiB) Viewed 1515 times
Is this a issue on the Domoticz side or is there something missing on the OTGW side? And how can I check this, because on this OTGW there are more devices incorrect?
Besides the above, as a small note; the unit of the pressure device in Domoticz is on "Bar" the
SI unit is "bar".

- 2024-02-11_20h23_02.png (10.86 KiB) Viewed 1515 times