dzvents wiki

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dzvents wiki

Post by HvdW »

In the wiki I couldn't find the explanation of = , == , >= , <= and ~=
Not a big problem but it would be nice to have it mentioned somewhere especialy because the ~= sign in dzvents is different than in f.i. python, C and Java
Bugs bug me.
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Re: dzvents wiki

Post by boum »

dzVents is a Lua API to domoticz (as explained in the wiki introduction)
the wiki is there to explain the API and domoticz specifics, not Lua syntax. if you want to learn Lua, you can find lots of web resources, but first there is as a good starting point
(maybe this could be added to the wiki)
HvdW wrote: In the wiki I couldn't find the explanation of = , == , >= , <= and ~=
for example, those are explained in
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Re: dzvents wiki

Post by willemd »

Nevertheless it is a good suggestion. The ~= operator also took me some time to figure out.
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