What specific thermostat types are ? I created switch selector as you mentioned, but it's not working (HH doesn't see that). If there exist in different systems specific type of thermostat state device - please put here this type.igor wrote: ↑Saturday 06 November 2021 2:36There is no one-to-one matching list of supported devices with Domoticz. Because many type/subtype values are brand specific, HomeHabit works by finding common values and determining type from that.
For thermostat mode specifically, HomeHabit internal structure is a selector with auto/heat/cool/off values. Since Domoticz does not have a common type for that, it is not possible to match.
I'm not sure why Domoticz does not use specific thermostat mode/state types, since it would be easy to support it then.
In general, the app is very flexible in how devices can be mapped when data is processed - as long as there is something that uniquely identifies the type. Unless I'm missing something, there is nothing that identifies thermostat mode device specifically in API.waltervl wrote: ↑Thursday 04 November 2021 15:29 So if Homehabit cannot find the appropriate devices it should list all devices and let us users decide what the correct device is for eg Fan speed and heat/cool/dry mode etc
But Igor has problems in getting the correct devices from Domoticz and the value format for each device. I also already suggested to help by updating the wiki. But if no reaction from Igor I cannot help
It is not only issue of documentation, but also the API format itself. Type/Subtype/SwitchType are used in many different ways (and other boolean flags), that are not always match the real device. There are many devices that are not a dimmer, but return "HaveDimmer" as true, or SwitchType having contact sensor value or similar.
JSON API is used to get the data (not using websocket):
load data from "json.htm?type=devices&filter=all&used=true"
update data from "json.htm?type=devices&filter=all&used=true&lastupdate="
HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
Moderator: leecollings
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
- Posts: 52
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
I have a mysensors node for blinds (my own sketch), it work as inverted blinds in domoticz. There is 2 buttons (close/open) and slider 0-100%. In domoticz it's work fine. In HomeHabit i have 2 widget for one blind. 1 - as button On/Off and 2 - as a slider (blind position). Since last update HH it worked fine, but now, when I push the button - the button turn to off, the slider go to 0% and after 2 seonds - button is on and slider is 100% and my blind closed - so HH report open blind , and the blind are close - so I cant open blind because HH heve information - blind are open. In domoticz buttons and sliders works fine.
- waltervl
- Posts: 5397
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
In Beta Domoticz there are recent changes in blinds behavior due to MQTT Autodiscover function!
Thermostat devices.
@Igor, I send you my list of devices some time ago. In Domoticz they are stored as a selector switch: Type 244 subtype 62. Couldn't you find those?
In Beta Domoticz there are recent changes in blinds behavior due to MQTT Autodiscover function!
Thermostat devices.
@Igor, I send you my list of devices some time ago. In Domoticz they are stored as a selector switch: Type 244 subtype 62. Couldn't you find those?
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
I create device:waltervl wrote: ↑Saturday 06 November 2021 10:38 Blinds:
In Beta Domoticz there are recent changes in blinds behavior due to MQTT Autodiscover function!
Thermostat devices.
@Igor, I send you my list of devices some time ago. In Domoticz they are stored as a selector switch: Type 244 subtype 62. Couldn't you find those?
222|36|0001412E|1|Thermostat mode|1|244|62|18|0|12|255|0|0|2021-11-06 07:58:45|222|0.0|1.0|0.0|1.0|||0|0|0||LevelNames:T2ZmfExldmVsMXxMZXZlbDJ8TGV2ZWwz;SelectorStyle:MA==|
Type244, SType62, auto/cool/heat/off - selector. HH donesn't see this in Thermostat. HH see tis as scene only.
But i think not Type and Stype is mandatory for HH, the sValue is more important - I don;t know why...
Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
Can you copy API response for that device using:boe666 wrote: ↑Saturday 06 November 2021 16:37 I create device:
222|36|0001412E|1|Thermostat mode|1|244|62|18|0|12|255|0|0|2021-11-06 07:58:45|222|0.0|1.0|0.0|1.0|||0|0|0||LevelNames:T2ZmfExldmVsMXxMZXZlbDJ8TGV2ZWwz;SelectorStyle:MA==|
Type244, SType62, auto/cool/heat/off - selector. HH donesn't see this in Thermostat. HH see tis as scene only.
But i think not Type and Stype is mandatory for HH, the sValue is more important - I don;t know why...
Code: Select all
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
"ActTime" : 1636215031,
"AstrTwilightEnd" : "18:04",
"AstrTwilightStart" : "04:52",
"CivTwilightEnd" : "16:48",
"CivTwilightStart" : "06:07",
"DayLength" : "09:32",
"NautTwilightEnd" : "17:26",
"NautTwilightStart" : "05:29",
"ServerTime" : "2021-11-06 17:10:31",
"SunAtSouth" : "11:28",
"Sunrise" : "06:42",
"Sunset" : "16:13",
"app_version" : "2021.1 (build 13842)",
"result" :
"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
"AddjValue" : 0.0,
"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
"BatteryLevel" : 255,
"CustomImage" : 0,
"Data" : "Off",
"Description" : "",
"DimmerType" : "none",
"Favorite" : 0,
"HardwareDisabled" : false,
"HardwareID" : 36,
"HardwareName" : "TEST TERMOSTAT",
"HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)",
"HardwareTypeVal" : 15,
"HaveDimmer" : true,
"HaveGroupCmd" : true,
"HaveTimeout" : false,
"ID" : "0001412E",
"Image" : "Light",
"IsSubDevice" : false,
"LastUpdate" : "2021-11-06 07:58:45",
"Level" : 0,
"LevelActions" : "",
"LevelInt" : 0,
"LevelNames" : "T2ZmfExldmVsMXxMZXZlbDJ8TGV2ZWwz",
"LevelOffHidden" : false,
"MaxDimLevel" : 100,
"Name" : "Thermostat mode",
"Notifications" : "false",
"PlanID" : "0",
"PlanIDs" :
"Protected" : false,
"SelectorStyle" : 0,
"ShowNotifications" : true,
"SignalLevel" : "-",
"Status" : "Off",
"StrParam1" : "",
"StrParam2" : "",
"SubType" : "Selector Switch",
"SwitchType" : "Selector",
"SwitchTypeVal" : 18,
"Timers" : "false",
"Type" : "Light/Switch",
"TypeImg" : "Light",
"Unit" : 1,
"Used" : 1,
"UsedByCamera" : false,
"XOffset" : "0",
"YOffset" : "0",
"idx" : "222"
"status" : "OK",
"title" : "Devices"
"ActTime" : 1636215031,
"AstrTwilightEnd" : "18:04",
"AstrTwilightStart" : "04:52",
"CivTwilightEnd" : "16:48",
"CivTwilightStart" : "06:07",
"DayLength" : "09:32",
"NautTwilightEnd" : "17:26",
"NautTwilightStart" : "05:29",
"ServerTime" : "2021-11-06 17:10:31",
"SunAtSouth" : "11:28",
"Sunrise" : "06:42",
"Sunset" : "16:13",
"app_version" : "2021.1 (build 13842)",
"result" :
"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
"AddjValue" : 0.0,
"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
"BatteryLevel" : 255,
"CustomImage" : 0,
"Data" : "Off",
"Description" : "",
"DimmerType" : "none",
"Favorite" : 0,
"HardwareDisabled" : false,
"HardwareID" : 36,
"HardwareName" : "TEST TERMOSTAT",
"HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)",
"HardwareTypeVal" : 15,
"HaveDimmer" : true,
"HaveGroupCmd" : true,
"HaveTimeout" : false,
"ID" : "0001412E",
"Image" : "Light",
"IsSubDevice" : false,
"LastUpdate" : "2021-11-06 07:58:45",
"Level" : 0,
"LevelActions" : "",
"LevelInt" : 0,
"LevelNames" : "T2ZmfExldmVsMXxMZXZlbDJ8TGV2ZWwz",
"LevelOffHidden" : false,
"MaxDimLevel" : 100,
"Name" : "Thermostat mode",
"Notifications" : "false",
"PlanID" : "0",
"PlanIDs" :
"Protected" : false,
"SelectorStyle" : 0,
"ShowNotifications" : true,
"SignalLevel" : "-",
"Status" : "Off",
"StrParam1" : "",
"StrParam2" : "",
"SubType" : "Selector Switch",
"SwitchType" : "Selector",
"SwitchTypeVal" : 18,
"Timers" : "false",
"Type" : "Light/Switch",
"TypeImg" : "Light",
"Unit" : 1,
"Used" : 1,
"UsedByCamera" : false,
"XOffset" : "0",
"YOffset" : "0",
"idx" : "222"
"status" : "OK",
"title" : "Devices"
- Posts: 52
- Joined: Thursday 19 January 2017 16:14
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
In General,
widget Thermostat w HH, should be more flexible then simple multiselector auto/heat/cool/off, and in my opinion - is!.
Widget allows independent choice :
- FAN: it's like performance of Fan/pump/boiler - should accept slider (0-100%) or on/off button or selector like off/slow/fast
-HEAT/COOL : it's like mode but should accept selector switch OFF/HEAT/COOL/AUTO.
Every devices like airconditioning or boilers or heat pump have:
1. Working status (yes or no).
2. MODE (auto/cool/heat)
3. Performance (0-100% or binary selector like slow/normal/fast).
In my opinion this schema can handle every devices on the market.
widget Thermostat w HH, should be more flexible then simple multiselector auto/heat/cool/off, and in my opinion - is!.
Widget allows independent choice :
- FAN: it's like performance of Fan/pump/boiler - should accept slider (0-100%) or on/off button or selector like off/slow/fast
-HEAT/COOL : it's like mode but should accept selector switch OFF/HEAT/COOL/AUTO.
Every devices like airconditioning or boilers or heat pump have:
1. Working status (yes or no).
2. MODE (auto/cool/heat)
3. Performance (0-100% or binary selector like slow/normal/fast).
In my opinion this schema can handle every devices on the market.
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- Joined: Thursday 19 January 2017 16:14
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
There was a nice discussion for a moment.... is it possible for something to appear?
- waltervl
- Posts: 5397
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
For my selector switch for my Airco mode the Json is mentioned below.
Seems that I was wrong in device type.
Seems that I was wrong in device type.
Code: Select all
"ActTime" : 1636493018,
"AstrTwilightEnd" : "18:54",
"AstrTwilightStart" : "05:52",
"CivTwilightEnd" : "17:35",
"CivTwilightStart" : "07:11",
"DayLength" : "09:12",
"NautTwilightEnd" : "18:15",
"NautTwilightStart" : "06:31",
"ServerTime" : "2021-11-09 22:23:38",
"SunAtSouth" : "12:23",
"Sunrise" : "07:47",
"Sunset" : "16:59",
"app_version" : "2021.1 (build 13821)",
"result" :
"AddjMulti" : 1.0,
"AddjMulti2" : 1.0,
"AddjValue" : 0.0,
"AddjValue2" : 0.0,
"BatteryLevel" : 255,
"CustomImage" : 16,
"Data" : "On",
"Description" : "",
"DimmerType" : "none",
"Favorite" : 0,
"HardwareDisabled" : false,
"HardwareID" : 11,
"HardwareName" : "Airco Woonkamer",
"HardwareType" : "Qlima Wifi airconditioner",
"HardwareTypeVal" : 94,
"HaveDimmer" : true,
"HaveGroupCmd" : true,
"HaveTimeout" : false,
"ID" : "000B0005",
"Image" : "Cooling",
"IsSubDevice" : false,
"LastUpdate" : "2021-11-09 22:23:03",
"Level" : 20,
"LevelActions" : "fHx8fHx8",
"LevelInt" : 20,
"LevelNames" : "fEF1dG98SGVhdHxDb29sfERyeXxGYW4=",
"LevelOffHidden" : true,
"MaxDimLevel" : 100,
"Name" : "Airco Woonkamer - Mode",
"Notifications" : "false",
"PlanID" : "0",
"PlanIDs" :
"Protected" : false,
"SelectorStyle" : 1,
"ShowNotifications" : true,
"SignalLevel" : "-",
"Status" : "On",
"StrParam1" : "",
"StrParam2" : "",
"SubType" : "Selector Switch",
"SwitchType" : "Selector",
"SwitchTypeVal" : 18,
"Timers" : "false",
"Type" : "Light/Switch",
"TypeImg" : "Light",
"Unit" : 5,
"Used" : 1,
"UsedByCamera" : false,
"XOffset" : "0",
"YOffset" : "0",
"idx" : "176"
"status" : "OK",
"title" : "Devices"
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
- waltervl
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
See issue https://github.com/domoticz/domoticz/issues/5017boe666 wrote: ↑Saturday 06 November 2021 8:10I have a mysensors node for blinds (my own sketch), it work as inverted blinds in domoticz. There is 2 buttons (close/open) and slider 0-100%. In domoticz it's work fine. In HomeHabit i have 2 widget for one blind. 1 - as button On/Off and 2 - as a slider (blind position). Since last update HH it worked fine, but now, when I push the button - the button turn to off, the slider go to 0% and after 2 seonds - button is on and slider is 100% and my blind closed - so HH report open blind , and the blind are close - so I cant open blind because HH heve information - blind are open. In domoticz buttons and sliders works fine.
There are also 2 new Blind types in Beta: Blind Percentage with Stop and inverted.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
- Posts: 112
- Joined: Thursday 08 December 2022 22:15
- Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
- Domoticz version: 2023.2
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
i can't connect to domoticz whit homehabit after update to 2023.1
- waltervl
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
If you use accounts over http (not https) set switch "Allow Basic Authentication over plain HTTP" in menu Setup - Settings , tab Security.
Also wiki page security is a nice read. https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Security
Also wiki page security is a nice read. https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Security
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
- Posts: 112
- Joined: Thursday 08 December 2022 22:15
- Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
- Domoticz version: 2023.2
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
Perfect !
working !
Now, 100% working
thx !!
working !
Now, 100% working
thx !!
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
Since 2023.2, there are warning in the domoticz log each time I use the HomeHabit app:
I assume this is linked to the update of the JSON api which now requires a command argument (from Domoticz Wiki ):
For now it's still working so no big deal, but I assume in some time from now it won't be usable anymore?
Since 2023.2, there are warning in the domoticz log each time I use the HomeHabit app:
Code: Select all
2024-01-21 09:31:45.458 Status: [web:8080] Incoming connection from: 2a01:e0a:3fc:9820:ac12:4dbb:62b4:a8a
2024-01-21 09:31:53.179 [WebServer] Deprecated RType (devices) for API request. Handled via fallback (getdevices), please use correct API Command! (::1)
Is there any update on the way to solve this?For users using API calls from outside Domoticz there has been some changes in API calls. They now always should be of the form /json.htm?type=command¶m=**command**
For exampleMore info in Forum topic viewtopic.php?p=303581#p303581Code: Select all
/json.htm?type=graph will be /json.htm?type=command¶m=graph /json.htm?type=devices will be /json.htm?type=command¶m=getdevices
The following old RType commands will keep working but will give a deprecation warning eg
Code: Select all
[WebServer] Deprecated RType (devices) for API request. Handled via fallback (getdevices), please use correct API Command! (IP nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn)
For now it's still working so no big deal, but I assume in some time from now it won't be usable anymore?
- waltervl
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Re: HomeHabit Dashboard - Updates
It is on the roadmap: https://community.homehabit.app/t/domot ... ate/3203/5
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
Devices/plugins: ZigbeeforDomoticz (with Xiaomi, Ikea, Tuya devices), Nefit Easy, Midea Airco, Omnik Solar, Goodwe Solar
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