Enable disable gate power supply based on vehicle position

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Enable disable gate power supply based on vehicle position

Post by psubiaco »

I love LUA scripting: with a small piece of code it's possible to reduce energy consumption and improve antitheft security.
The script is available at https://github.com/CreasolTech/domoticz_lua_scripts

The script checks the vehicle distance and compare with previous distance to determine if vehicle is approaching or moving away, and use this data to enable/disable gate power supply. As the gate circuitry normally consumes 6-10W, in this way it's possible to save more than 40kWh/year, 400kWh in 10 years!
The burglar alarm system in Domoticz already turns gate power supply OFF when alarm level is NIGHT and AWAY, to prevent thieves from opening the gate
carDistance_gateSupply.png (257.1 KiB) Viewed 7405 times
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