TP-Link Tapo wifi plug

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Re: TP-Link Tapo wifi plug

Post by georges »

J'ai testé le plug de Guinto. Les informations d’énergie remontent mais j 'ai de nombreuses erreurs.
Quelle pourrait être la cause ?
Version: 2023 . 1
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Re: TP-Link Tapo wifi plug

Post by belzig »


The Tapo App on my mobile forced me to upgrade 2 of my Tapo Plugs.

Now the firmware is 1.5.5 Rel 40646 an the Tapo Plugin for Domoticz isn`t able to connect to the plugs anymore.

I tried to update the py100

pip3 install PyP100 -t . --upgrade

no success. Neither the old, nor the upgraded P100 are working anymore.

Please be carefull and don`t allow the app to upgrade the firmware.

I think I will trow all of the Tapos out of my house (sell them via ebay ) and buy tuya devices. This plugin and the python module is well maintained, compared to the Tapo-Junk
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Re: TP-Link Tapo wifi plug

Post by zicht »

Same issue here.
I am not able to make plugins for domoticz, but this a working lib

I managed switching and reading energy directly in python with this lib ( see the example for p110)
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Re: TP-Link Tapo wifi plug

Post by mihaii »

I am the creator of the library mentioned above and am enthusiastic about assisting anyone interested in developing a plugin for it. If you have any questions or if there are specific features you need, please don't hesitate to open an issue on the project's GitHub.
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