Management of floodlight for Netatmo camera

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Management of floodlight for Netatmo camera

Post by phil35 »

I now manage the floodlight of my netatmo camera using a virtual switch in domoticz. [ a huge thanks to the domoticz's Team! ]
The php script behind, may interest others, so i decide to share.

Take it, try it and share feedbacks, I will appreciate.

Thank you & happy new year 2024!
Kind regards
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Production platform (for Netatmo and Zigbee) uses domoticz v2024.7
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Re: Management of floodlight for Netatmo camera

Post by phil35 »


Latest version of domoticz (minimun version is 2024.1) integrates the new authentification method of Netatmo based on tokens and no more with a username and a password. Than means that it is possible to get all the weather station information via domoticz.
However to interact avec others devices such floodlight camera, it is not possible, as the access to the "access_token" store in domoticz is needed.
So :
- A new script has been written to request initials tokens and then to manage the refresh of the access_token which expires every 3 hours. This script runs via a crontab and the script netatmo-floodlight accesses to the access_token store in a file, to be able to interact with the devices.
- The script netatmo-floodlight must be updated to take this change into account. The script will be updated in the next days on

Hope this helps
Don't hesitate to share any feedback in a constructive way.
Production platform uses domoticz v2023.1
Production platform (for Netatmo and Zigbee) uses domoticz v2024.7
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Re: Management of floodlight for Netatmo camera

Post by phil35 »


script now available:

Run without any issue since days with domoticz and a connected button zigbee ... ee-30.html

Thanks to the zigbee team for their support @pipiche @deufo

best regards
Production platform uses domoticz v2023.1
Production platform (for Netatmo and Zigbee) uses domoticz v2024.7
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Re: Management of floodlight for Netatmo camera

Post by homeJLB »

There is a lot off work done for the Netatmo authentication and the new API / more devices.
see viewtopic.php?p=322718&hilit=Netatmo#p322718
The latest Beta has the Floodlight working, and there is work on Github for testing with other devices to.

Kind regards
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