PiFace support added

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Posts: 53
Joined: Thursday 07 January 2016 19:31
Target OS: Raspberry Pi / ODroid
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Re: PiFace support added

Post by Michel13 »

I am still stuck by the impossibility of getting my piface 2 to work.
As a test, I replaced one of them with a Dingtian 8 I/O Ethernet relay card purchased from Aliexpress.
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000999 ... pt=glo2fra
There are several models, with or without a box, different connection modes (Ethernet, Wifi, RS485, CAN), from 2 to 8 I/O.
Compared to a Piface, this card offers the advantage of being independent of the Rasp, which greatly facilitates its integration into a new installation. All outputs are NO/NC dry contacts so no need for an additional relay card. It is compatible with Domoticz but also controllable independently. This is a clear advantage in the event of a malfunction of Domoticz or the Rasp. But the question also arises of the sustainability of this solution with future developments of Domoticz.
For this reason but also to avoid investing in new equipment and modifying my installation, I would like to be able to reuse my piface which worked perfectly until my SD card failed.
Does anyone have a clue, a solution or information to put the piface 2 back into service?
Let us have a dream, is there a chance that future versions of Domoticz will support them again?
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