How can I send time and date in message text?

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How can I send time and date in message text?

Post by Scholler »

Hi all,

I am new in using the Blockly editor for creating actions.
Now I successfully managed to send an email in case of e.g. a door open or close action.
How can I insert the time (and date) of the moment it happened in the message text? See attached picture in the red box.
Is there a way to use a variable, maybe together with a way of formatting the output?

Thank you all for helping :-)
domoticz-blockly.png (22.12 KiB) Viewed 2021 times
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Re: How can I send time and date in message text?

Post by willemd »

As far as I know Blockly can only handle static email text.
So not an answer but: I strongly advice you to learn dzVents. Much more powerful than blockly. Easy to include date and time in a message.
A slightly higher lurning curve but then .....
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Re: How can I send time and date in message text?

Post by HvdW »

willemd wrote: Tuesday 19 December 2023 10:18 I strongly advice you to learn dzVents. Much more powerful than blockly. Easy to include date and time in a message.
I strongly agree with @willemd
An example of including current time:

Code: Select all

                if > 1.48 * then
                    -- switch off Plug Switch
                    local current_time ="%c")
                    local subject = 'Your battery has been charged. '
                    local message = 
                    ' ' .. current_time .. '\n'.. 
                    'Plug Switch value_10: ' .. .. '\n'..

                    domoticz.notify(subject, message, domoticz.PRIORITY_NORMAL)
Here are some examples. It helped me a lot to master dzVents.
Bugs bug me.
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Re: How can I send time and date in message text?

Post by waltervl »

HvdW wrote: Tuesday 19 December 2023 13:38
Here are some examples. It helped me a lot to master dzVents.
These examples are a little bit more up to date examples from Domoticz github

Also in the dzVents subforum loads of examples viewforum.php?f=59

And of course the dzVents Wiki that also has a lot of examples in it: ... _scripting
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