I’m new to this forum and Domoticz.
I already read a lot on this forum, but I still have got some issues/questions.
I setup the notification using NMA and email setting correctly.
I want to send a push notification with a snapshot of a camera, by using Blockly (because I’m not familiar with Lua yet)
1. When I use the (Blockly) command “Send Notification” , I do receive a push notification on my phone, but there is no snapshot included.
2. When I use the (Blockly) command “Send camera snapshot”, I receive an email, with attachment (which is an incorrect format). This attachment is only 480 Bytes, so it seems the snapshot taken, was not ready, when it was already send.
Can someone help me, by telling what is wrong. (Or what I am doing wrong

And is it even possible to send a push notification to a phone, including a snapshot ?
Thanks in advance for the answers.