Error: Buienradar: RainPrediction has old data

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Error: Buienradar: RainPrediction has old data

Post by jberinga »

This week I noticed the error: Buienradar: RainPrediction has old data in my log. First I thought that this might have been caused becasue of my internet outage that I had on Tuesday, but I am still getting this error.

I have removed Buienradar and readded again, but still I get this error in the log and it seems that data that has to do with rain is not being updated. After readding Buienradar I am also missing some data like, when it is going to rain, for how long, the avarage rainfall of a rain shower and the maximum rainfall of a rain shower.

Is this a known issue and is there a solution?
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Re: Error: Buienradar: RainPrediction has old data

Post by willemd »

I also have the same errors and also the raindata that I am retrieving separately onto a managed counter is missing.

It looks like the problem is at buienradar itself. If you go to and click "regen in pixeldata" you see this is also not updated. If I try the same url with my own coordinates I don't get any response at all.
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Re: Error: Buienradar: RainPrediction has old data

Post by jpmd »

I have the same problem.
It look like a buienradar issue, so I'have sent a e-mail to [email protected] containing a hyperlink to this forum-subject.
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Re: Error: Buienradar: RainPrediction has old data

Post by jpmd »

In the meantime, you can turn off the "log lever; error" to to avoid the annoying error message.
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Re: Error: Buienradar: RainPrediction has old data

Post by rylfas »

Since this evening buienradar data is being updated with actual data
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Re: Error: Buienradar: RainPrediction has old data

Post by jberinga »

Yep, Buienradar is updating in my Domoticz as well again.

Thanks all!
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