Now the script triggers every 5 minutes _without_ the condition being met (return to the grid beeing 0 at the moment), the logfile gives me these entrys on turn on / off:
2023-11-22 20:35:00.885 EventSystem: Event triggered: Heizstab_Ueberschuss_2
2023-11-22 20:35:00.911 RelaisboardEG2: Light/Switch (Heizstab Badezimmer)
2023-11-22 20:40:00.888 EventSystem: Event triggered: Heizstab_Ueberschuss_2
2023-11-22 20:40:00.928 RelaisboardEG2: Light/Switch (Heizstab Badezimmer)
Also strangely the script is named "Heizstab_Ueberschuss" and not "Heizstab_Ueberschuss_2" as it shows up in the log. I found another post where someone states that the number after the underline refers to the trigger type but I could not find any reference to this.
Any help to get rid of these ghost triggers is appreciated

regards, max