DS18B20 ID changed

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DS18B20 ID changed

Post by SumDum »


I have, or rather had, a pi zero monitoring the flow & return temperatures of a solar thermal system. The pi died, it's a fairly damp environment it lived in. Rest in peace little one.
Now, I have all my domoticz pi set up to backup to a local ftp server every night so I have the database. So I dug out an old Pi 1 B+, installed everything & restored the database, all settings restored.
Except that the DS18B20 are not associated with the old devices any more, they show up with new IDs:
Q1.jpg (31.12 KiB) Viewed 1313 times
The old IDs match the first 4 digits of the devices and the owfs directories show up exactly as they should:
Q2.jpg (21.28 KiB) Viewed 1313 times
I tried deleting the new devices & restarting domoticz but they just come back with the new IDs.

How can I correct this so that the latest data is logged with the historic data?

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Re: DS18B20 ID changed

Post by Kedi »

Try the replace function in the widget.
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Re: DS18B20 ID changed

Post by SumDum »

Great, thank you Kedi.

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