Inputs for MCP23017

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Inputs for MCP23017

Post by RonEN »

Dear reader,
I have several MCP23017 connected to the GPIO via an I2C. Via dummy hardware and some code I can use both inputs and outputs.
You can also create an i2c sensor gateway in the hardware and then select the MCP23017. In devices you then have all ports of the MCP23017 available (and it works). However, these are all configured as Output. Does anyone know of a way to also use ports of the MCP23017 as input via these methods?

I'm curious about a solution.

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Re: Inputs for MCP23017

Post by waltervl »

Looking at this topic suggests that it is not possible. viewtopic.php?p=255145.

Perhaps with a python plugin it is possible.
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Re: Inputs for MCP23017

Post by RonEN »

Hey Waltervl,

Thanks for your comment. I read the post and it is from 2019. I hope someone has come up with a solution in the meantime.

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