Minimizing energy usage in my house

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Minimizing energy usage in my house

Post by psubiaco »

The following picture shows the components used to make my home automation system with Domoticz, using some LUA scripts to manage a complete burglar alarm system, fire alarm, heat pump controlling, light automation, ...
My concern is on the power consumption of power consumption: on one hand I have 23 domotic modules (more than 100 inputs, 67 outputs, 19 sensors) that consumes, totally, only 1W. On the other hand I have stupid electronic devices like a 16P switch consuming more than 4W, a fritzbox router consuming 6W, ...
In my case I'm using DomBus modules, supplied by 13.6V source with lead-acid backup battery, so it can work for several hours in case of power outage. DomBus modules are connected with a thin 4 wire alarm cable, that carry both power supply and data; each module have its own DC/DC voltage regulator to minimize power consumption.
I also have 2 NodeMCU modules connected to some DS18B20 temperature sensors, but I don't like it: ESP8266 consumes about 0.4W with WiFi always ON.
Other devices connected to my house which power usage is beyond the computed power usage are:
* some AC energy meters with silly capacitive divider as voltage regulator, that lead to about 1W / 3VA power usage, not very low: as many other devices supplied at 230V, if you want a very compact device you can't get a low power one ;-)
* Solaredge HDwave 6kW inverter, without accumulator: during the night (off) it consumes 3.7W with PF=0.07, 68VA, 293mA @230V !!!! (very very bad)
* OpenMeter installed by the electricity distributor, to compute the production power: 1.9W with PF=0.23 (bad)
* gate operator, connected to two motors, consuming 8W
To limit energy consumption, I have placed a 25A contactor that disconnect the openmeter and solar inverter during the night, and a relay that disconnect the gate operator when alarm is active (when I'm away or during the night).
I think that domotic systems should help people to get more comfort and low energy usage, but unfortunally there are still lot of devices not optimized for low power usage.

And you? What do you do to reduce power usage?
myhousedomotic1nl.png (285.34 KiB) Viewed 7420 times
I use DomBus modules to charge EV car, get a full alarm system, control heat pump, fire alarm detection, lights and much more. Video
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