Unknown command error messages

For Evohome related questions in Domoticz

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Unknown command error messages

Post by roblom »

I receive the error messages below when I use a nanocul usb stick in Domoticz combines with the Evohome USB hardware type. There are several devices discovered and works as expected but was hoping the error messages can be eliminated.

Code: Select all

2023-11-11 19:06:33.218 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 12c8
2023-11-11 19:06:56.216 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 1298
2023-11-11 19:07:13.475 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 31da
2023-11-11 19:08:13.561 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: invalid message structure - possible corrupt message
2023-11-11 19:08:35.352 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 1298
2023-11-11 19:08:36.922 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 1fd4
2023-11-11 19:08:41.773 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 2e10
2023-11-11 19:09:29.766 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 31e0
2023-11-11 19:09:37.971 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 2e10
2023-11-11 19:09:42.831 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 31d9
2023-11-11 19:10:06.858 Error: Evohome USB: evohome: unknown command 31e0
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Re: Unknown command error messages

Post by philchillbill »

You can just ignore those as they are harmless. The RF spec for Ramses has been reverse engineered to a point, but it’s not 100.0% so sometimes a packet that’s not fully understood is seen and that’s all this message communicates.
Alexa skills author: EvoControl, Statereport, MediaServer, LMS-lite
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