Gradually dim until midnight

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Gradually dim until midnight

Post by studiocascade »

In my Domoticz system i got some Mi-Light bulbs named "TV-kast"
When those lights turn on (by a dusk sensor called "Schemer"), i have them starting at 55%
I would like my lights to dim gradually until midnight, so they finally end at 20%.
(fine by me if that is done in steps of 30 minutes, but completely gradually is also fine, whatever works best.)
For now I solved it by creating a selector switch with different dim commands on every step, i.e.:
http://192.168.x.x:8080/json.htm?type=c ... ghtness=55
And a timer on the switch, which puts it on different dim-values during the evening
But I'm afraid this selector switch causes another problem... in the summer, when the lights usually don't switch on by the dusk sensor, this dimmer-switch will cause these lights to turn on anyway.

A better solution would be to have it in a LUA script which will make the light gradually dim from the moment it's turned on.
Is someone here good at scripting and willing to help me create it?

thanks a lot in advance!

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Re: Gradually dim until midnight

Post by waltervl »

Check this dzvents discussion for inspiration viewtopic.php?t=22640
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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Re: Gradually dim until midnight

Post by studiocascade »

Thanks, i will have a look at that!
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