Energy Billing

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Energy Billing

Post by koensch »

Every year my energy provider gives me a nice report and a bill. Sometimes you have to pay extra, sometimes you get some money back.

My contract year ends this month, so i'm trying to look ahead to get a clear picture of my usage and what i can expect to use in the days to come.

I came up with some SQL script that results in the attached output. So fine, so good.

But how can i make this is to some kind of a plug-in?

The SQL uses the following inputs:
- the day your contract period starts
- the devicenumber for the electricity meter
- the devicenumber for the gas meter

Is there someone who can help me to create a plugin that allows me to enter the above parameters and then displays the result of the SQL?
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Re: Energy Billing

Post by willemd »

An option:
1) create user variables with contract start- and enddate
2) create a dzvents script that contains the device ID's, reads the user variables and calls a script file with your sqlquery (have a look at asynchronous shell command)
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