Blockly Night / Day temp

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Blockly Night / Day temp

Post by billouetaudrey »


I need your help :(

I want when it 8h to 20h, if Temp is less than 28°C, its set smart plug to ON, when it more than 28°C, it's set smart plug to OFF


to 20h to 8h, if Temp is less than 23°C, its set smart plug to ON, when it more than 23°C, it's set smart plug to OFF

This is what I do but seem to not work, where I'm wrong please ?

nuit.png (34.16 KiB) Viewed 1589 times
jour.png (32.8 KiB) Viewed 1589 times
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Re: Blockly Night / Day temp

Post by Xenomes »

You are on the right way... Think this you are looking for.
2023-09-01 21_01_54-Domoticz - Gebeurtenissen – Mozilla Firefox.png
2023-09-01 21_01_54-Domoticz - Gebeurtenissen – Mozilla Firefox.png (45.96 KiB) Viewed 1584 times
HP T630 (32GB SSD/8GB Mem) - Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (64Bit) - Domoticz 2024.7 with Machinon theme - RFLink - KaKu - Sonoff - Tasmota - Shelly - MQTT2Zigbee - OpenTherm Gateway - Tinytuya - IR Blaster - P1 Smart Meter - NPN Watermeter - Google Assistant
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Re: Blockly Night / Day temp

Post by billouetaudrey »

Ah this seem work :)

Now I have an another issue, need to fix it ( XIaomi sensor isn't always update, need to restart the gateway from domoticz manually or need to restart the docker )

thanks very much :)
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