Hello All,
Like anything application, if there is no maintenance it will also give issues. As madpatrick pointed out it's been left to itself for a long time. Notifications stopped working for me a long time ago .. I now use Pushover.
I have the following setup
Domoticz Version 2023.2
Domoticz iOS Client Ver 0.1.55 (latest version from Apple Store)
I just upgraded to version 2023.2 and two major things to keep in mind for iOS to work
Setup devices for user as per instruction
Allow iOS Domoticz to work
You need to enable API Protection on Settings, Security tab
I do not know if this helps you guys but I been playing with
Nodered and I see some potential!
Domoticz and Nodered (remote) combined allow many possibilities. Once I have completed my own i Nodered/Domoticz interface I will share my flows to see if this helpful to you. Of course Nodered implies a
little elbow grease from user but then again there is no such thing as s free lunch!