IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

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IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by soyelposeido »


I've recently purchased this camera ipc-a22ep-imou (Imou brand supposed to use Dahua technology) but I'm not capable of finding the right way to add it to domoticz,

followed the proposed solutions here: https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10028 no luck
I have tried discovery in iSpy and didnt work either...
Next, I'm trying to learn how to use nmap to discover open ports...

so far I was able to connect with VLC suing
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif
being XXXXXX the code printed on the bottom of the camera and YYY the last digit of the IP

any help?
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by lost »

soyelposeido wrote: Sunday 06 September 2020 23:30 I've recently purchased this camera ipc-a22ep-imou (Imou brand supposed to use Dahua technology) but I'm not capable of finding the right way to add it to domoticz

On mine, I use the CGI snapshot path. Just take care that on newer devices most interfaces (ONVIF/CGI...) are not enabled by default thus their URLs will not be reachable.

For mines (after enabling CGI on newest cams) I use the usual:

USER = admin if you did not add other users.
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by soyelposeido »

lost wrote: Monday 07 September 2020 9:13

On mine, I use the CGI snapshot path. Just take care that on newer devices most interfaces (ONVIF/CGI...) are not enabled by default thus their URLs will not be reachable.

For mines (after enabling CGI on newest cams) I use the usual:

USER = admin if you did not add other users.

Thanks for your reply, just a couple of questions, do you use that URL on this exact model? and whats the port IP_PORT?

and... "enable CGI"... how do you do that?

Being PASSWORD the security code on the bottom of the cámera, and XXX the last part of my camera IP:

Code: Select all

- http://admin:[email protected]:80/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?  ---> does not work
- http://admin:[email protected]:554/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?  ---> does not work
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by soyelposeido »

I've run NMAP... took 6 hours...

pi@raspberrypizero:~ $ sudo nmap -p- -oN test2.txt 192.168.1.XXX

Starting Nmap 7.70 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-09-06 23:44 CEST
Nmap scan report for 192.168.1.XXX
Host is up (0.0086s latency).
Not shown: 65531 closed ports
80/tcp open http
554/tcp open rtsp
8086/tcp open d-s-n
37777/tcp open unknown
MAC Address: A0:BD:1D:AD:78:31 (Unknown)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 17782.87 seconds
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by lost »

soyelposeido wrote: Monday 07 September 2020 10:16 Thanks for your reply, just a couple of questions, do you use that URL on this exact model? and whats the port IP_PORT?

and... "enable CGI"... how do you do that?

Being PASSWORD the security code on the bottom of the cámera, and XXX the last part of my camera IP:

Code: Select all

- http://admin:[email protected]:80/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?  ---> does not work
- http://admin:[email protected]:554/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?  ---> does not work
This is not this exact model, I own IPC-HDW4233 and IPC-HUM4231 and both behave in the same way (latest not needing any crappy plugin anymore).

The username/password are those used to connect cam web configuration interface.

On first device GCI can't be disabled (only ssh that provide a limited shell), on second this is in:
Settings tab->system menu->safety->system services

Port 554 is for rtsp and wil not work from a browser. Usually it's available without password (can be configured to use one) from VLC for instance.

There is a few Dahua cams that are only configurable from a dumbphone indeed. They may IMO be avoided (privacy, work model "few intelligence in device, all in the cloud... time it will be supported" that will limit internal configuration options) and I can't help if this is your case.

Those may show a web port from scan but http is just there for the API used by the mandatory dumbphone app: I already returned one model, don't remember the reference (this one did have an integrated PIR for more reliable detection, sad as no so common but not doing the job I expected): No way for something that must always connect outside with a mic & cam around my home and rely on an app that will not work someday after a few dumbphone OS versions.
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by soyelposeido »

unfortunately the camera on the topic has no web interface that I know of, If I poen the ip:80 trough browser I get a response but it's a "404 Not Found" so there is a webserver but seems nothing is on it.
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by lost »

soyelposeido wrote: Wednesday 09 September 2020 13:59 unfortunately the camera on the topic has no web interface that I know of, If I poen the ip:80 trough browser I get a response but it's a "404 Not Found" so there is a webserver but seems nothing is on it.
So you're in the same problem I had with a K-something model (with intergrated PIR) I had to return (luckily this one was bought from Amazon, not Aliexpress, so this was not an issue) after a few tests: Could only access rtsp stream from my LAN with usual tools (VLC, web browser).

My advice: Send it back if still possible and choose another device.
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by soyelposeido »

Thanks, unfortunately returning it it's not an option.

Lets see if someone was lucky enough to crack this issue open.

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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by tonbor »

Did you manage to get it working, and if so how?
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by tonbor »

Somebody else?
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by lost »

Imo. No way. And now all Dahua cams have signed fw so dont expect to have a device hack.
For DIY stuff just avoid their consumer grade IMOU devices.
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by jvdz »

There is no livestream, but you might get the snapshot to work with onvifsnapshot:

Code: Select all

protocol: HTTP
ip: 192.168.x.x
port: 80
username: admin
password: "code on the sticker"
Imageurl: onvifsnapshot/media_service/snapshot?channel=1&subtype=0
This works for me on my IMOU Bullet 2 cams.
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Re: IPC-A22EP-IMOU - Help needed

Post by mobielbas »

jvdz wrote: Monday 26 June 2023 17:05 There is no livestream, but you might get the snapshot to work with onvifsnapshot:

Code: Select all

protocol: HTTP
ip: 192.168.x.x
port: 80
username: admin
password: "code on the sticker"
Imageurl: onvifsnapshot/media_service/snapshot?channel=1&subtype=0
This works for me on my IMOU Bullet 2 cams.
Yes!! This works for me! I have looked for it for months! Thank you very much! I have a IMOU Cruiser 2 and your URL works like a charm! :D
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