This Dragino shield looks like only an interfaceboard between a 5V Arduino board and a 3.3V RFM95 module. The two 14pin logic chips must be level converters for SPI and some signal lines.
The software in the Arduino makes this either a LoRaWan Node or a LoRaWan Gateway or a LoRa P2P tranceiver.
Software for these applications are available on GitHub.
There are, in my opinion, better options than this Dragino-board.
For a LoaWan-Node a battery powered board with a 8Mhz/3.3V/Arduino_Pro_Mini can be easily made (about 10 Euro) in this way:
A (simple one-channel) LoRaWan-Gateway can also easily be made with another board from the same Github site:
LoRaWan SensorNode's could be integrated into Domoticz if someone is able/willing to make the virtual hardware for communications with the TTN website where all TTN-LoRaWan-Node's have their own dashboard with the data. For my programming knowledge, for now, this is too abstract and complex.
Another solution which is very easy to integrate with Domoticz is Point2Point LoRa. A working proof of concept is presented here:
One side is a low power battery operated SensorNode and the other side is a ESP8266 based tranceiver that can communicates in MQTT over wifi with some server like f.i. Domoticz.
In domoticz you make virtual devices that receive data over MQTT.
Not very complex, just some string manupilations with JSon to format the data in a way that Domoticz can understand it.
Integration into RF-Link can be made, but I doubt if it make sense because there are not much ready to use Sensor_Node's on the market and most of them are made to work with TTN LoRaWan or some other network.
Simple sensor-node's can be made DIY as explained above and directly integrated with domoticz over wifi or Lan.