Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

433Mhz opensource Receiver & Transmitter.

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Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by dyter »


I found this for <20$ :

https://www.ebay.fr/itm/Dragino-LoRa-Bo ... 1431.l2649

http://www.dragino.com/products/module/ ... hield.html


Is it compatible with RFLink firmware :?:

Domoticz v2024.1 on Synology Docker host, RFLink, ESPEasy wemos D1, Ecodevices, relays x8, dahua doorbell, reolink cameras ....

Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by SweetPants »

I don't think so.
BTW, your title is misleading: Frequency Band: 915MHz/868 MHZ/433 MHZ (Pre-configure in factory) so the module installed determines what frequency it uses.
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Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by Stuntteam »

You buy it preconfigured for a frequency range.. this is mostly an antenna filter thing.. it can however shift frequencies somewhat..
we are currently investigating these boards to see if we can make them work with RFLink.
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Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by dyter »

ok thanks,
I think it's worth it because it's a good, complete card
Domoticz v2024.1 on Synology Docker host, RFLink, ESPEasy wemos D1, Ecodevices, relays x8, dahua doorbell, reolink cameras ....

Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by SweetPants »

Yes, but there is no support in domoticz for it right now.
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Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by costo »

This Dragino shield looks like only an interfaceboard between a 5V Arduino board and a 3.3V RFM95 module. The two 14pin logic chips must be level converters for SPI and some signal lines.
The software in the Arduino makes this either a LoRaWan Node or a LoRaWan Gateway or a LoRa P2P tranceiver.
Software for these applications are available on GitHub.

There are, in my opinion, better options than this Dragino-board.
For a LoaWan-Node a battery powered board with a 8Mhz/3.3V/Arduino_Pro_Mini can be easily made (about 10 Euro) in this way:

A (simple one-channel) LoRaWan-Gateway can also easily be made with another board from the same Github site:

LoRaWan SensorNode's could be integrated into Domoticz if someone is able/willing to make the virtual hardware for communications with the TTN website https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/ where all TTN-LoRaWan-Node's have their own dashboard with the data. For my programming knowledge, for now, this is too abstract and complex.

Another solution which is very easy to integrate with Domoticz is Point2Point LoRa. A working proof of concept is presented here:
One side is a low power battery operated SensorNode and the other side is a ESP8266 based tranceiver that can communicates in MQTT over wifi with some server like f.i. Domoticz.
In domoticz you make virtual devices that receive data over MQTT.
Not very complex, just some string manupilations with JSon to format the data in a way that Domoticz can understand it.

Integration into RF-Link can be made, but I doubt if it make sense because there are not much ready to use Sensor_Node's on the market and most of them are made to work with TTN LoRaWan or some other network.
Simple sensor-node's can be made DIY as explained above and directly integrated with domoticz over wifi or Lan.
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Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by Stuntteam »

In RFLink context:
These Dragino's are just RF shields available in 433 and 868mhz versions.
We are not looking at Lorawan integration at this point. The Lorawan capabilities would be ignored.
Why we are looking into these boards:
The Dragino would simply act as a ASK&FSK capable board that also has the ability to slightly shift frequencies thus solving 433.42 vs 433.92 issues and similar on 868mhz. At the same time it could solve issues people have with level shifters etc.
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Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by costo »

OK Stuntteam, I assume you can use this Dragino board in ASK/FSK mode, but this board is sold as a LoRa board and a RFM95/868MHz or RFM96/433MHz LoRa module seems to be installed.

For using ASK/FSK , i think you can better use a cheaper FSK dedicated module.
LoRa module's are more expensive because, in my understanding, LoRa is a proprietary radio modulation technology owned by Semtech Corporation.
So these chips are more complex and a fee needs to be paid to Semtech.
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Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by Stuntteam »

Sure, if they were very expensive you would have a point.
But 14 euros isn't that bad..
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Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by costo »

Probably my post about LoRaWan/LoRaP2P with 5 links is misplaced here in the RF-Link section of the forum.

You cannot find much posts about LoRa combined with Domoticz, so you can end up in the wrong discussion section.
Hopefully Gizmocuz or another gifted programmer finds the inspiration to make a dedicated Domoticz virtual hardware interface for the TTN LoRaWan network soon.

It will help me and I am sure a lot of other people too. We are waiting for a solution to integrate (very) remote sensors into our Domoticz system.
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Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by Toulon7559 »

Surely an interface-function in Domoticz for TTN would be most useful for Domoticz 'reading' the data from a specific LoRa(WAN)-Node:
similar to PVOutput, WUnderground etc.

Addition 2019/02/20:
Gizmocuz already answered the question in this thread:
see this other thread.
Under Setup/Hardware you can find the related interface:
TTN(MQTT/CayennLPP) with LAN-interface
Set1 = RPI-Zero+RFXCom433+S0PCM+Shield for BMP180/DS18B20/RS485+DDS238-1ZNs
Set2 = RPI-3A++RFLinkGTW+ESP8266s+PWS_WS7000
Common = KAKUs+3*PVLogger+PWS_TFA_Nexus
plus series of 'satellites' for dedicated interfacing, monitoring & control.
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Re: Dragino LoRa Gateway 433/868/915Mhz all in one

Post by PeJeWe »

Is there a FSK solution for RFLink
I use Brel BLE45-20, it is using bi-directional communication.
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