Turn off HVAC on fire alarm

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Turn off HVAC on fire alarm

Post by user4563 »

A little dzVents script to immediately turn off the HVAC units and send a mobile notification when there is heat or fire. It could possibly save a life or buy some time as you don't want to distribute smoke around. Also if a fire starts at the HVAC unit then cutting the unit off may help as well.

In my case I have a separate DSC alarm panel with smoke detectors and rate-of-rise heat detectors but Domoticz controls my 3 Z-Wave thermostats. I used an Aeotec ZWA012 door/window sensor external inputs tied to a relay which triggers off of an output on the alarm panel which triggers on a fire alarm.

Code: Select all

return {
    on = { 
        devices = {'Fire alarm'}

    execute = function(domoticz, item)
    --Aeotec switch - Closed (off) / Open (on)
    if domoticz.devices('Fire alarm').state == 'On' then
        --turn all thermostats off

        --Media room:
        domoticz.executeShellCommand('curl --insecure --url ""')
        --1st floor:
        domoticz.executeShellCommand('curl --insecure --url ""')
        --2nd floor:
        domoticz.executeShellCommand('curl --insecure --url ""')

        domoticz.log('FIRE ALARM - ALL THERMOSTAT MODES SET TO OFF',domoticz.LOG_ERROR)
        domoticz.notify('FIRE ALARM','ALL THERMOSTAT MODES SET TO OFF', domoticz.PRIORITY_HIGH, '', 'midx_1', domoticz.NSS_FIREBASE)
        domoticz.notify('FIRE ALARM','ALL THERMOSTAT MODES SET TO OFF', domoticz.PRIORITY_HIGH, '', 'midx_2', domoticz.NSS_FIREBASE)

ODroid H4+ / Ubuntu server
Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5+
Domoticz for Android
Domoticz Scenes add-on in Kodi
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