Irrigation Script with Multiple Zones and Timers

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Irrigation Script with Multiple Zones and Timers

Post by BarryT »

Hello everybody,

i'm looking for a easier way to make a (virtual) timer/automation / manual script to do Irrigation of Multiple Zones.
At the moment it is really annoying to edit some simple timers or programming, especially for other people.
It is working, but i think (hope!) it can made much easier/simpler...

I made some virtual devices:
1 timer device for Once a week
1 timer for 3 times a week
1 timer for everyday
1 scene for activating the timers INSIDE the scene > this is the main scene that do open and close valves after some time..
1 blocky script that trigger the virtual programs of the timers and ofcourse this blocky activate the manual override
the manual knob just activates the scene > On

Also what i did is an update status to a text device so we can see wich zone is activated in the manual program.

I hope someone has a script for this or ideas to make it much easier to understand / programming and/or working..

Many, many thanks!
Last edited by BarryT on Monday 12 June 2023 19:44, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Irrigation Script with Multiple Zones and Timers

Post by BarryT »

Blocky Script:
3.png (88.21 KiB) Viewed 1529 times
Multiple Timers for the Zones:
4.png (87.94 KiB) Viewed 1537 times

5.png (72.29 KiB) Viewed 1537 times
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Re: Irrigation Script with Multiple Zones and Timers

Post by BarryT »

Selector Switch
Selector Switch
1.png (43.84 KiB) Viewed 1528 times
Devices / Text Status
Devices / Text Status
2.png (37.2 KiB) Viewed 1528 times
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Re: Irrigation Script with Multiple Zones and Timers

Post by solarboy »

I have done something similar. My method was to have a multi-level switch for each zone, low/medium/high/heatwave, and a schedule for each zone and each "level". I had a control script which would change each zones level, depending on weather/rain etc etc.
So for 4 zones there would be 4 "level" switches with 4 levels, and 16 scripts for all the possible combinations, plus a master script that would alter the "Level" of each zone.
I avoided the traditional method Rainbird etc use as I find that those systems alter irrigation quantity rather than frequency which is not optimal.
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