Any device in Domoticz has:
one integer value (usually set to 0=OFF, 1=ON, and 10=Level1 20=Level2 for selector switches)
one string value, that can store many information, for example "Value1;Value2;Value3;..." for devices like Temp+Hum, meters, ...
You can check this, using a lua script, printing the value of
otherdevices["Deconz - Dimmer salon"]
otherdevices_svalues["Deconz - Dimmer salon"]
When you set commandArray["Deconz - Dimmer salon"]="Set Level 80"
automatically domoticz set the value to 80% and set the integer value to 1 (On).
When you set commandArray["Deconz - Dimmer salon"]="Set Level 0"
automatically domoticz set the value to 0% and set the integer value to 0 (Off).
Maybe this can help you finding the problem?
Please note that in my scripts I do not separate the level value by ":" but I just write "Set Level N"
You can find some scripts examples here:
Good luck