My name is Wim and my hobby is "modding" and/or Simracing.
That means I have a sim setup, drive, but when the files on a car are adjustable, I like to "fiddle with it" to see what I can do, make it more to my taste and so on. It has come to the point: I don't race anymore, just (normally mainly physics) modding.
Now, I laid my eyes on an add-on for a car and this thing is made with a .LUA script.
I try to make it nice, make things I would like to have it and so on.
The point is: I have no clue whatsoever about scripts! But that's the hobby: find out, read, learn, a lot of trail and error and so on.
It has been fun the last two months, learned a lot by mainly "reverse engineering" the existing file and reading, T and E.
However the problem is: when looking online there is a lot to read, but this all seems pretty specific: never ever had I found even a command that I could use for this.
So, that's why I wanted to ask......
I want to try 2 things and I've been breaking my head over it for to long now and I can't get it to work. Now it's not really fun anymore

This is a Sim called "Asset Corsa" and the steering wheel display shows your setting from the differential: there is a choose button and there you can select (comes in a pop-up screen) the mode: Entry, Mid and Exit. With one of them selected, you can use two other buttons to upper, or lower the selected diff setting.
There was NOT in the screen, what diff mode (one of the three) was active, that just showed when you upped, or lowered them, then (also a pop-up screen) it said you were adjusting "Mid" for instance and then you knew you had to scroll with the select button to go to Entry lets say.
So I made it that there is now in the screen what mode is selected and even with a color: now it says "1-Mid" and it is in blue as are the values from the (1 to 12) of the Mid diff.
So, "1-Mid" underneath: "8" both in blue. When I select the "entry", it says "0-Entry" and "3" both in green.
Those three values from 1 to 12 are always there and in the same color: the "0/1/2-text" change color.
What I really would love, is the number value that comes with the "-TEXT" away, so it just says "Entry", "Mid" or "Exit".
The other thing I would love to get done, is just a square or cube around the selected difmode so you can see even more easily what is on.
Sorry for the long story: this is not my thing really and I have no idea how to explain properly, so......that's why you were getting hard a day older reading all of this

All entry's that have to do with the diff I have quoted underneath: some things were pretty long with other values and I took some out: there may be some things missing, but thrust me: it works for now in the way I described, so, can't be very faulty

If someone would like to have a look at it and is willing to give me some tips: I would greatly appreciate that!
Thanks in advance and kind regards, Wim.
Edit: the forum says I can't post "links that are external to this domain" and so I can not paste parts of the script? In a script forum? Haha, I must be missing something here?