Combine groups and scenes for the same lights

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Combine groups and scenes for the same lights

Post by Emax »

I have 3 dimmable lights in my living room, all connected to a separate fibaro 2 dimmer.

One of them is my "main" light, meaning that when I switch that one on (either via domoticz or the light switch) I want all the other lights to go on as well (with a set dim level), and also off when the main light is turned off. I created a group for that with the main light as trigger and that works well.

However for some occasions (like for instance watching a movie) I want to set all those 3 lights to a different dim level . The problem is that I can not do that with a scene because the "main" light is already the trigger for the defined group and then will not work in a scene.

I could create a DSVentz script checking the dim level of the main light and set the other 2 lights accordingly, but I wondered if there isn't a nicer way of doing this without a script?
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Re: Combine groups and scenes for the same lights

Post by waltervl »

Why can you not do that with a scene? The only issue is that you have to switch it with the Domoticz scene button and not by a trigger device.
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Re: Combine groups and scenes for the same lights

Post by Emax »

That's the thing, I want to be able to turn all the lights on and off at the same time with the wall switch of the main light, so I defined a group with the main light as trigger.

Because I used the main light as trigger in the group, I can not use it in (other) scenes. Even worse, I do not seem to be able to set the dim level of that light at all anymore because apparently every change to the dim level is seen as an 'on' command which is the trigger for the group and it will set it back to the predefined set level.

Was thinking to switch S1 and S2 buttons in the fibaro dimmer so that my wall switch acts as S2 and I can attach a scene to it, but that will only activate the scene and not turn it off when I push it again, but have not checked the full possibilities of using it as a S2 switch yet.

I already wrote a DZVents script now to control the lights as I want which works fine, just find it a bit odd there does not seem to be a good possibility to do this without scripting. Or at least none that I can think of. The idea of turning multiple lights on and off with a push of a wall switch and at the same time being able dim those lights together does not seem like an exceptionally weird or complicated wish.
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Re: Combine groups and scenes for the same lights

Post by waltervl »

Can the switch give multiple triggers eg double click or long click? Because then you can use these functions a link to a different scene.
So normal click is on/off togle for group
Long click is scene one
Double click is scene two

Additional grouping is normally done within zigbee or zwave groups.
Domoticz running on Udoo X86 (on Ubuntu)
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