Explanation for timer type 'before sun at south'. Needed to control blinds at south

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Explanation for timer type 'before sun at south'. Needed to control blinds at south

Post by thebartzman »

Hi all,

Currently I have blinds with Somfy RTS motors installed and I'm ablee to open & close the blinds in Domoticz now. Thanks to Domoticz team they will support this.
My next step is to automate the blinds at the south side of the house. Very common I think, but in case of more than 25 degrees and full sun at south I want to close the blinds automaticly to reduce heating up in the house.
I figure out the timer type 'before sun at south' and time 00:00. I found the domoticz wiki, but there is no description how to use these timer type.
1. Can anyone explain how to use this timer type?
2. How determines Domoticz if we have the sun at the south? I think weathercast or a lux sensor is needed to inform Domoticz with this? How does it work?
3. What is the way to go to automate the blinds with sun at south?

Thanks for your time!
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Re: Explanation for timer type 'before sun at south'. Needed to control blinds at south

Post by waltervl »

Sun at south is calculated from your location set in Setup -> Settings.
The same applies for Civil, Nautical and Astronomical Twilight timer settings.

If you want to use multiple conditions like sun at south and > 25 degrees then you have to use scripting.
You can probably use Blockly for these simple conditions, else you have to step to DzVents.
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Re: Explanation for timer type 'before sun at south'. Needed to control blinds at south

Post by willemd »

Alternatively, if you want to do your own calculation, do a search for azimuth in this forum and you will find the scripts.
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Re: Explanation for timer type 'before sun at south'. Needed to control blinds at south

Post by thebartzman »

Hi all, late response, but thanks for you help full advice.
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