Somfy curtain and RFlink, how to begin?

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Somfy curtain and RFlink, how to begin?

Post by OlHi »


I'm very new to all of this home automation, so when replying to me, there is nothing too basic or simple you have to leave out. Be as specific as you can, please.

I have a pair of curtains that are controlled by Somfy situo 5 RTS pure II remote. The motor in the curtains is the Sonesse 28 wf RTS Li-ion.

I wanted to be able to remotely control the curtains and add some "intelligence" to them, so I bought the RFlink 433,42 (Somfy RTS)/Arduino/Antenne/Usb cable kit from Nodo-shop and soldered it together.

I thought I would have tried write a program for the curtain using arduino IDE, but thought it would be too difficult with my experience, so I downloaded the Domoticz software.

But what's next?
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Re: Somfy curtain and RFlink, how to begin?

Post by waltervl »

See the website or ... nd-rflink/ to connect the rflink to domoticz and get all the connected devices eg your Somfy Curtain (but also the neighbours devices....) into Domoticz.

Then you can use automation (device timers, scripts etc see ) to control the Curtain from domoticz. There are many examples to find.
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Re: Somfy curtain and RFlink, how to begin?

Post by OlHi »

Thanks! I guess I don't even have all the necessary equipment yet. I thought I only needed the arduino mega and the RFlink, but raspberry pi is also mentioned in the hardware list. Can't I really get along with only the Arduino Mega?
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Re: Somfy curtain and RFlink, how to begin?

Post by OlHi »

Ok. I got my Arduino Mega and RFlink connected to my pc and added the RFlink to the hardware. I can now see the curtains in the device list and see how they are controlled with my remote. However I cannot control the curtains with my RFlink. What might be the problem now?
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